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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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Definitely going downhill, we're now squatting in this chicken shed Smudge. I expect we'll still have to pay huge rates even though we don't appear to have running water or electricity!! No fun being an old biddy these days, pensions being what they are. At least we won't get any electricity bills here!!!!!
I told him to go and sit in a casserole dish and he just took up a yoga position!!!!
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Of course we have electricity, you just have to look for it

let there be light

I've just found the cooker and if you think I'm cooking for you lot on that you are very much mistaken


And the water supply is great too


We'll have to send Vinny out with a Bucket every morning.

Bathroom's nice!


I'm going back to Ibiza!!!!

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No problem gessoo IIve ordered a new loo so no more moaning


Ok so it's not ideal, but a posh one would look silly in our biddyshack.

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...and I admit the bath was 'orrible so here's a new one


now must go shopping for loo paper and towels.

well I'm not doing any of that squatting malarkey with my knees

looks like neti's donkey's pleased to see the back of us


Wll Robinia at least the new loo is better than the old one!


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That's the loo I wanted to buy but they are so popular they had sold out so I got the posh version.

I see my donkey has been watching vinny's antics with the Becks,

hello all and thanks for your good wishes. I have just about surfaced after a nasty cold, it went round at work and everyone got it so I've been pretty busy there too. Thank you for the kind wishes and enquiries....won't stay and breathe over you all as you don't want my virus

I really think that we could make something of theis place (what??)oh well, at least there will be eggs for breakfast.

How is everyone?

I knew I shouldn't have put all my eggs in one basket.
Hi everyone ...I've got a chicken nesting in my shopping trolley now ...what sort of establishment is this!!
Nice to see you woofie..hope you soon feel better.
At least we will be O.K for eggs here do you like them..fried or boiled.

hi woofy - glad you're recovering - I'll sort out some wincarnis & virol for you.

does this mean we all wear dungarees & check shirts & sit around eating beans while Vinny plays the banjo?...oooh no Vinny + beans = ...........

lol shaney - glad I brought my straw hat.

hahaha - just tried it & I can still make a chicken with the tea towel.....little things......

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Robinia dear - don't get carried away, we are only virtual. No need for chicken shaped napkins. This is all I can offer


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I forgot to tell you - I don't like eggs!!!

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gessoo why aren't I surprised?????

The one in pink is me taken during one of my happier moments:


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Hen or chicken

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