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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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off with the hat gessoo!

well I'll go to the foot of our stairs jno - the worlds gone mad.... does that mean hairnets as well ? That's put paid to our nights out then

eee ower Minnie - I think you've pulled

where's Jude? - still lolling around in Ibiza I'll bet....too fond of the high life she is....
well you might be an al-Qaeda operative Robinia, landlords have to be on their guard. Three determined biddies and a donkey could take over the institutions of government.
these ones for instance

Crikey - they're Biddies? their hrt obviously works better than mine.

Bobby joins the protest

Just called in to say I did find it difficult to drag myself away from Ibiza and I've been a bit down in the dumps this afto' and I didn't want to inflict my mood on anybody Anyway - I'm off to bed now and hope I feel better in the morning so I'll say goodnight to all my Biddyfriends and see you tomorrow. (Thanks Robinia for missing me)
Well I am not taking my hat off for anyone there!!
It took me ages to get it looking just right .

Goodnight Biddleys all.....hope you feel better tomorrow Jude.
Watch that straw in's a bit scatchy !

Good Morning. I got up at 6.00am and now I just might go back to bed again!!!

Shaney, you look delightful in that hat!

I have decided to be happy today and make the most out of living in a chicken shed!! So here is me in my hat


See you guys and girls later.

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Vinny in his hat


and me

Well I couldn't find an appropriate one!!!

Morning Neti!

And to cheer our Jude up:

After me, altogether now - 1,2,3................;

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morning gessoo morning all - I think we shaould have moved to a milleners. Rights whose turn to muck out chickens (does one muck out chickens?) Who's going to collect the eggs. I can't do it all you know!!
morning all, woke up with a huge sinus headache today so am delaying taking dog out because I need to drive...anyway to make jude smile and for anyone else who wants here are easterbonnetsforall
neti that chicken muck runs to generator, I got the plans off Tom Good so if you want heat and light, get shovelling
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morning woofy hope you feel better soon. So how does this chicken muck work then? Do we shove it in the meter slot or what.

Can't quite see how.


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By heck them birdies can't half do some, there it's shovelled - still can't see how to get it in the meter!!!



Morning Biddys...that was a windy night..the old biddy-home was shaking...the ol chickens were blown into the next field..(that's what yer call free range)just had a lovely boiled egg....havent stopped going to the loo abeen feeding them chicks..yer laxitives....ive been doing this ever since...hehe...


who's a clever bird then.....!!

me (:)

morning little chickadees - what a foul morning it is here so looks like I'll be cooped up inside. Where's our SuperRooster (Vinny) got to? - hope he's got his cape on.

hope everyone feels better soon. How are you doing with the shingles btw gessoo?

Hi Woofy, meant to say yesterday that I am sorry you have been feeling so groggy lately. Sinus headaches are horrible - take care.

Just for Woofy:

Woofy's hat

Got up at 6.00am. The weather was glorious. Clear skies, 7.30 is was still great - blue skies. 9.20 it's clouded over and getting murky - presumably that foul weather is coming our way.

Shingles ain't too bad thanks Robinia. It was worse before I was told it was Shingles!! I just thought it was heat rash and that the pain was from my rib!!! The rash wasn't that dreadful and it obviously wasn't too bad an attack, but it is uncomfortable.

Morning Vincent!

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