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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Morning Bidds...just a quick hello,must shoot off to another job in a mo...bit cloudy here,but sun later...
When I was in the pub the other night,a bloke offered me 2 chairs and a sofa....but me dad always use to say...never take suites from strangers...hehe..!!
hope everybodys okay...catch yer later dudes....(((*_*)))>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>>>
morning bideez - Vinny you're barmy!

looks like a typical bank holiday weekend here, the heavens are about to open..... grass is not only green again but up to charlie's doodahs....I've abandoned all hope of any more summer so the fan's away & anorak is washed & ready to wear......

where's shaney hiding? she hasn't been in here yet, keep expecting to find her doing her sister Wendy impression.....hehe, whatever happened to her? she used to fascinate me & her frequent comments about 'lovely fluffy pubic hair' always made me smile....oooh am I allowed to say that? not supposed to admit to having any are we....? :o)

this should do the trick

Morning all. Yes Robinia it's a bit wet looking round here but not cold I'm pleased to say. Hope everybody is ok. I'm having a quiet weekend, not going out tonight as my friend's latest is back off holiday today and they're going out for a meal.
Been to Birds and had my blackcurrant creams. Missed you there Robinia.
So it's house cleaning for me today, don't really want to but it must be done!
There's this little nude boy standing on this nude little girl's head (use your imagination) and the nude little boy says "right we've got our clothes of, I'm on top of you, so when does the fun start?" and the little girls says "I don't know but I'm getting a headache already" (Well I thought is was funny)!
tea break - did you see the report that said 4+ cuppas a day may well be better than water? oh deep joyload - get the kettle on Vinny - we'll ignore

lol Jude...... same here (cleaning) tho heaven knows why I've bothered doing the kitchen floor, might stay clean for an hour, I think charlie needs some wellies. I've not been in 'that shop' for ages - worried that couple who wanted apple puffs after I'd just bought the last two might be lying in wait!
neti can't still be cleaning too can she?

Oh dear, her henry's a bit deflated
Sister Wendy indeed !!
Chse on tst was lovely ..thank you Robinia ..far better then the butler serves up ..doodery old fool !
I have decided to only post in Q&P and a couple of my other fave cats because I am frankly fed up with the editorial policy on here .It seems the more drivel you post and the more insulting you are to people the better you are thought of.I am also sick of people who QM named the Oxen Folk....and quite rightly.It seems that free speech is frowned upon.You mustn't have an opinion or upset Americans .I would much rather help someone with a recipe ,a crossword answer or a bit of gardening advice etc. than inflict subtle sarcasm on people.If you open your mouth on here you are wrong.
Love you all .....see you around on AB no doubt.
Shaney xxxx
ooh hi shaney thought I heard someone shuffling about - I just came on the puta to look for that amazing Top Secret Drum Corps who were just on the Edinburgh Tattoo - I love drums, think I was a tribeswoman in a previous life! (found a video on YouTube in case anyone else's interested)

I know what you mean, I said the same thing a couple of weeks ago. some get away with so much for so long baffles me....It could be argued that these threads are drivel (at least we stick to one at a time & use old posts which don't take a space on the front page) but if I see one more 'who do you love best on here ...who would you like to meet? I'll freak out!!!

where are my loppers.......??
Hi Shaney You don't mean you are leaving us do you . I hope I've got it wrong. I never go on the other topics well very rarely perhaps when one of the biddies points a question out to us and then I only read them don't make many comments.
Been sitting at my computer for ages it seems now. I'm a bit fed up to be honest because I love going out as you know. I've been on msn for a bit but a lot of my contacts aren't around either.
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evening folks....been sitting in me garden tonight,got me chiminea going and me patio heater..with a nice drop of wine..just popped up fer some more...have you met my bar staff...
you keep popping in shaney...well some bu**ers got to make the tea...hehe...!..Im going to treat everybody to breakfast in bed in the morning......6.30 not to late?>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>>(*_*)
Hiya Vinny You sound ok sitting there with you wine on your patio. When I was in Devon last week I found it was a lot warmer than up here. I mean in general all the time.Even when it's cold it's still warmer than up here if you see what I mean. Shut up Jude and go to bed
See you all tomorrow ~ Goodnight x
Well..don't be late Vinny..Rye bread with quark and apricot jam please and a boiled egg .Thank you.Egg done just nicely ..not snotty...can't abide snotty eggs.Tea with lemon.
The Butler is sacked !His eggs are disgraceful !
Hi all ,looks like I'll have to bring my winter woollies with me ,except I haven't got any we never really need them here. I might be round to borrow off one or two of you ,anyone else less than 5 foot high !!! My daughter wants me to have my nails done and my hair while I'm over there (her treat) but you know I feel past the time for aal this jazzing up .Anyway we'll see and who knows you may have an Indian Summer in Sept.(remember them) so I may feel more like it . I bet the gardens are looking good with this rain you're having .Have you still got your gardener JUDE ?
HelloDolly and good morning everybody else. My garden is looking quite good with the rain we've been having and yes Dolly I still have my gardener but he's not been for a little while because there isn't a lot to do at the moment but we still get to chat.....
Hope you are all ok. The sun is shining here and I've had my washing out since about 7. Usual Sunday routine for me. Take care all see you later....:o)
well, what a nothing day... looked like being sunny but wasn't... looked like rain but didn't.... I thought of staying home from work but didn't...
Hi Jno It has been quiet hasn't it? I'm off to bed now. Hope you all have a good night. x
morning all - not good tho' - wild, windy, cold & about to be wet I daresay. Yesterday was an odd one wasn't it? bro-in-law came & did a few diy odds & ends for me & the rest of it was just a blur really.
yes Dolly you're certainly going to need your woolies been up all night clicking away for you....

nice & subtle with a hint of home, hehe

right, where's my toast?& no cheap butter on it ta.... (ahem)
tut.... made my own, smothered in lurpak, & a nice mug of PG......ooh crikey I've just wiped my buttery fingers all over mona, I was only brushing a fly off her.
Hi Robinia hope you're alright today not too many aches and pains. I've just nipped into town yet another top appeared in my hand when I was on the bus home!! I'm off out tonight to see Andy Walker, one of our favourites, again.I've been getting withdrawal symptons because I've not been out since Fri.!!! :o)
My case is half packed ~ can't wait to get away. It is a bit chilly here, isn't it. Had to put a long sleeved top on today but it is bright and I've got my washing dry. I really like to see washing blowing on the line. Have a good day - see you later.....
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Morn/afternoon....had some family down sat night..they drove down in there shown them all the beaches ....went down to lynton/lynmouth yesterday...the weather was great...and its turned out nice today.Hope everybodys okay.Methinks us biddys should buy a hymer double beds/cooking stove/satelite etc....hairdryers...haha...(:-)(made up a funny pic,but tinypic wont work today??)
Thanks Robinia for the Cardi,actually kangaroos would h
a ve been better but beggars can't be choosers eh ! We've had rain last night and tonight it's been great ,the days are still sunny though if a bit overcast .Noone to look after the garden while I'm away so will have to keep myf ingers crossed for rain for the next few weeks !
Hi Dolly My gardeners on his way, says a holiday in the antipodes would suit him fine!!! :o).

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