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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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evening, Biddies all... reporting in from, ahem, Middlesex (well, the cheek of these youngsters, asking personages of mature years about their sex, as if I even remember what it is)... Went on a major shopping expedition today and came back with: a 150 watt lightbulb, a packet of Boots allergy tablets, a box of matches and a birthday card. The shoelaces that I was really looking for, I didn't find - apparently shoe shops don't do that sort of thing any more. I'll have to look out for one of those little hole-in-corner repairmen who heel you and save your sole... But I must say, not much to show for a day's shopping, is it?

I did find some suspicious-sounding cheese... but that was about it...
Helllooo anybody there. Just got in from the quiz and I won 6 pints of beer boo ooooo! I wanted a meal for two but there was no negotiations.
Vinny believe it or not I didn't see Tales etc at the top. I really thought it was Maigrait at first then changed my mind.
See you all tomorrow, have a goodnight X
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jno..I just love stilton..(blue vinny..Cuz you're filthy Oooh, and your gorgeous:||)(with thanks to the scissor sisters.....)erm..ive just had a likkle pop robinia.sussed me again xxx
a'noon all - well I do believe it gets colder by the day now & I am piling on the layers already.....

rummages in bits & bobs drawer jno there must be some laces in here somewhere I never throw anything away.....aha - how about dayglo lime green & neon pink? they'll be from my roller boots & leg warmer days.....

I've got one of those audio guide thingamys for this gallery as I keep coming back to the Menacing Mona but all I've got on it is Vinny practising his Stones karaoke act....cor, right racket it is

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Twang Twang....
im gonna tell you how its gonna be
patricias gonna make me a cuppa tea
bop bop a bop bop...!

Afternoon folks...tis a bit chilly robinia...braaa!
There will now be a short interlude before this afternoons main Feature..........interlude..................
The main Feature
usherettes coming..Popcorn...Kia-ora...icecreams....hehe..(*_*).
that link's featureless for me I'm afraid Vinny

.....chung, chung.....
I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna be....
you're gonna make the tea for me

get the kettle on

Sorry not been in today, back to work this a.m. and I'm not to pleased with it but I'll survive. These youngsters with no management skills whatsoever!!!!
Goodnight All see you tomorrow in a better mood I hope I am anyway!! x
Haha Robinia ..delusions of grandeur's the Butler ..he insists on all this fancy cleaning stuff.And..I have to buy Brasso and Silvo and that sort of thing for him ..I don't know what he does with it ..drinks it probably .My fish knives are in a right state.
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Morning biddettes....
bit cloudy init..I had elizabeth arden on the floor this morning...and didnt enjoy it for one second...I was buffering,when me nose started itching...and controlling a buffer with 2 hands can be dodgy,but with one,near on impossible...(I call me buffer a vespa.cause the blooming motors on one side)and it went straight for our lizzy...hehe...!
um..bad news im afraid,its seems that willys and co*ks..and bottoms are disappearing...all these surnames are nearly extinct...even the surname Daft,from derbyshire is disappearing.morning robinia and if there's anybody I know called that? hahaha
hiya shaney nice to see you,to see you nice.
are you still looking over us gessoo..xx
wave's to dolly and netti(loved the piccy of grove road)right im of to see who jno's been boxing with..hehe..!(*_*)
Question Author
afternoon........looks you ever get that mary celeste feeling........the good ship "the Biddy"abandoned by its captain...and fellow mates there another 55% off in M&S again....or have they all gone to "Bingo"um...and why the hell do they call a grapefruit..a grapefruit...?dont look nothing like a grape....see you start thinking weird things when yer talking to yerself...hehe...!...oh,didnt see you up there vinny...hiya...blimey,them men in white coats are coming>>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>(:o)
Hello Me Darlin' how are yer terday. Yes Vinny I'm talkin to yer. Sorry you've been talking to yerself. I've been to work this am and now I'm cold and . hungry and I'm just cooking me dinner.
Tried sending some of those sign thingys to a friend but I keep cocking them up. Ne'er mind eh, can't all be clever on these putta thingys!!
See you in a bit......
Question Author
Im holding the logo hostage,till someone talks to me....sorry ed..hehe...!!
stolen from AB
Question Author Worked...!! hiya jude.
(typical...somebody comes on just when im going out haha)catch you later>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>>(:o)..
yo Vinny here I am just totterin in tired & grumpy......sorry you've been talking to yourself all day.

oooh blimey what a day it is here, rain, rain & more rain.
milkman gleefully announced he was off to Spain for a fortnight....ha! he'll have to regain consciousness first.....

so where did all these old fashioned surnames go then? I suppose people must have changed them by deed poll - I think my sister knew someone called Daft - oh, might have been me. My married name isn't all that common & most people in this area with it are farmers oooh arrrr. And oddly my oldest son married someone with a longer version so all she's had to do is chop her name in half!

See nowt changes out there <<< & I'm sorry but this 'ignore banal threads in B&S' is just ridiculous now. You'd have to scan about 4 pages to find a proper Q & asking one would be a waste of time.....grrrrr.....

tut just missed Jude I'll be grumbling to myself, oh well used to that.......

think I'll go & start a fight.......
pish and tush, another afternoon shopping and this time bought absolutely zero... I wonder if my shopping gene's gone missing, I could have dropped it at the station... I expect I could drop in at the Human Genome office and pick up another one...
Hi Robinia and everybody hope you all had a good day. 1more day for me then I break up for a week yipppeeee!
I'm off to bed in a bit, had my Horlicks etc. See you all tomorrow
Goodnight Sleep Tight xx
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Morning ,suns out...!
How is everybody Today....ooops..nettis in a bad temper...poor old george....
must rush off to another job...catch you later dudes....(:-)

morning all - or maybe that should be few, not many of us in here.....white wabbits & all that.

jno I think I've lost mine too - maybe they've joined forces & created a Born-to-shop-Biddy.... I've got a handful of birthdays coming up & no idea what to buy....think I'll have to start crocheting toilet roll covers.

Better amble off to A&N to see whether anyone's got a couple of sheep for hire - grass now over the top of my slippers & the weather looks like it won't be cut tomorrow as arranged. Did you see BOO's thread about slugs yesterday?....... :o)

....dons colander to walk past B&S....
Hi all. Well that's it done for another week Corfu here I come!! Hope all of you are well and happy. :o)

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