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Top ten friends..

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banjobabe | 17:42 Fri 14th Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
8 Answers
Can you tell me why I am not on top ten friends?

I have 23 and dot only has 15 but she's there!

Not that I'm bothered lol

BB xx


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Dot has 35 on my screen - sorry BB would need to be a top 1000 to get me on & even then I am not sure.
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they change all the time, mine has said 37, 33, 48 and 53!
just something else that isnt right on here, take not notice! :-) ! LOL
Whereabouts is this list then?
You only see it on BETA (PMSL, God, i just love that name )netibiza! Its nonsense anyway most the time !
Bleeding beta!!!!
Maybe its quality not quanitity or something.
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Well if it's about quality I've had it!!!!

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Top ten friends..

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