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looking good Eddy, red suits you !

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funkymoped | 20:48 Fri 14th Dec 2007 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
Ed, can you give me a clue as to where ALL my removed answers have gone ???
up to 3 weeks ago i had only had 8 removed (in 2 years), im up to 25 now !



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multiple postings on Beta AB when you get error messages? Happened to me a lot
i reckon thats why i kept getting banned, for overposting cause i had to submit more than once every time! Ive been on old ab tonight and not had a problem!

and funky, that title is incredibly creepy! She's way too busy for your false flattery! ;-)
oh hello, julie, you back from the grave now? I got banned 3 times in 4 days and now I do all my posting on Old AB. I'll wait till the all clear is sounded before returning to the Beta version. Don't know if the same thing happened to funky, though
i am jno, just using the old ab and it all seem to be ok! I think a lot of strange things are happening at the mo funky so no point asking WHY???? ;-)
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hey jno, Jules..
its jumped to 28 !!!
im a good kid, i dont do bad answers... silly ones, but not bad ones.
maybe it is Beta thats robbing me of my good name !!! lol

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looking good Eddy, red suits you !

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