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Ladies: What does "flower" mean to you?

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Scarlett | 19:54 Tue 13th Mar 2012 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
If a man calls you "flower", what does that actually mean, to you? Are there any other comparable words which are similar in meaning?


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I worked with a guy that all the women" flower" no-one took offence, it's a term of endearment, where some people say "love" "chuck" "sweet". Met up with him on a reunion night out recently and he still says it.
23:02 Tue 13th Mar 2012
^^^ that called all the women
Which tends to suggest that beautiful ladies are the most dangerous!
I'm from Geordie land and it is used often here, my Dad always called females flower, pet is another name that is used lots here along with hinny

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