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Having Sex For The First Time

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Name123 | 12:15 Mon 10th Sep 2018 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
When having sex for the first time, how do you make it less/not awkward and how do you ask him if he has a condom without ruining the mood?


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If you are in a relationship serious enough for sex to be a possibility, discuss contraception now - as for 'how to' when the time arrives things happen naturally.
ask before you "get in the mood "
You imagine how much more awkward it's going to be telling him/your parents/his parents that you are pregnant...

If you know him well enough to be having sex with him, you ought to be comfortable enough to ensure that he has a condom with him.

Failing that, provide your own...
May I ask how old you are?
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It's not just his responsibility to have condoms, it's yours too, so have a condom, get a variety pack and your opener to the subject can be something like 'Hey which one would you like, the rib tickler or the strawberry flavour?' etc etc etc or whatever. Just keep it light and non negotiable.
Do you mean also you have never had sex (with anyone) or are you talking about a new partner?
Strawberry flavour ?
Flavoured condoms - are you eating them ?

I'm not up on these things
I'm not either tbh Baz but I know they exist since some people won't do oral sex without one ?!?
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Kval; in my experience, the lady always chose the flavour.
#michaeldouglas Spath :/
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Well yes, agreed, herpes is a serious issue, but I thought that was the most clanging interview faux pas possibly ever committed.
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As you can tell Name123 things do meander a little on here - look after yourself.
Well it was pertinent to the question, it was a discussion about condoms and oral sex and sexual health generally which not everyone will be aware of Mamy, but I get your point. Sorry x
Being awkward the first time is part of the experience !
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