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Advice please

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Andy008 | 23:31 Fri 10th Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
There's a girl I really like who was on my course at university. I genuinely feel that she likes me as well, we don't know each other very well as she was briefly seeing my flatmate a while ago, but I only met her twice in passing. She still lives in the same town as me, and I have seen her occasionally. I really do want to ask her out, but I've got no means of contacting her unless I see her out at random, which might not be for months.

She is listed in FriendsReunited, but I can't help but thinking that sending an unsolicited email to someone I didn't go to school with might come across as a bit�..weird.

Any ideas as to how I should go about it, if at all?



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what hav u got to lose, ur not seeing her now and wont be if u dont try, if it was me id send a email, that way she will know u like her alot by going to the bother via that site, then again it might not work, who knows till u try, good luck,
Deja vu!! Are you going to keep asking this question until you get the answers you want?? Now, that is spooky!
My previous answer is a bit flippant and I apologise. Most women are not attracted to naivety in a man, so wait until you see her and ask her out to her face and risk rejection, rather than skirting around trying to find alternative methods of contacting her. You may well have the best of intentions in your approach, but as you have seen from my own answers, not all women appreciate the surreptitious approach and can find it off putting.
Why don't you use FR as a way of increasing your chances of meeting her? What I mean is contact her, not to ask her out, but in just a random, non threatening "saw your entry on FR and remembered you lived close by, thought I'd say hello, what are you up to etc" sort of way. Then at least you'd know if she still lived nearby etc and might be ableto increase your chances of meeting up with her to have the big conversation.
Send her a valentines through FR - assuming they still do that
What did DRUSILLA mean? have you asked this before?!

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