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redcrx | 14:09 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
173 Answers
have just found a lovely pic of Tina Karol D%D0%B0_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C the Ukraines 2006 eurovision entry.

Anyone think shes as pretty as the russian
personally i do think they look very similar lol

happy Monday everyone, hope you having a wonderful day xx


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WW ive read about lilrussiangirl and russiangirl and shes even said on one board that its not always her as there are 6 russian lesbians (all her friends) who use just the one log-in lol

lexx, I cant see how that link is related to our russian as its just an apology for something about horses.
haha FFS, her lies just keep coming dont they?? weird how she hasnt been on to defend herself in the last few hours!!! lol
well, well, well. i am speachless...........
as the saying goes
what's in the dark always come to light!

go redcrx go redcrx go redcrx go redcrx go redcrx go redcrx
-- answer removed --
i believe this is SR. what do you all think? am i correct? 404

on the section where you give a description about yourself,
she previously posted that her sister was raped and got pregnant from the rape. SR's parents and her other siblings and herself stopped speaking to the raped sister. she was asking how to help the sister because she felt guilty for not speaking to the sister. but i see she has removed it.

has anyone remember reading that?
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hi Lia*
that sounds like the liar to me.
Cant believe that she now claims her sister was raped when she has posted on other boards that a man threatened to rape her (or her girlfriend, cant remember) and she wouldnt go to police.
I cannot stand people who lie like this just to get attention, it sickens me to think that people believe it and are drawn in to her stories.
I cant find a lot of her old posts as theyve been removed but she stated once that a sister had committed suicide. She has 4 brothers, 3 of which are in private care due to mental problems and 1 sister committed suicide. Now thats what i call a dysfunctional family.
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the really interesting sports question that the liar posted yesterday and was so proud of is here by the way 65123.html

What's that expression ~ ''You couldn't make it up''? LOL.

I think it's chosen the wrong fake vocation..scriptwriter for one of the soaps would be more lucrative. Putting a fake pic on myspace is ridiculous ~ it must be a real bolter!

Walter Mitty eat your heart out ;o)
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Thank you ED and its great to have your company on this thread :-)
Just wanted to add my congrats redcrx!!

That was fantastic!! ;o)
i Think someone should go on tennis forum and tell that poor bloke on their what she's like and send him this.
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haha good idea, but she'd know its me if i did.

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