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redcrx | 14:09 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
173 Answers
have just found a lovely pic of Tina Karol D%D0%B0_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C the Ukraines 2006 eurovision entry.

Anyone think shes as pretty as the russian
personally i do think they look very similar lol

happy Monday everyone, hope you having a wonderful day xx


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hahahahahahahahahahahaha i have just choked on my apple!!!!! thats fab red!!!! haha its been caught out at last!!!!!! haha
snigger roflmao

way to go redcrx
Question Author
at first i thought it was one of those spot the difference puzzles lol

Now i can see why she has said that she has a resemblance to tina karol :)
Hey Red, how you doing today?

Uncanny resemblance there. They could almost pass as twins!
Myspace is broken, but I've seen SR's supposed pic before and the similarity is amazing!!
cant wait to see how she tries to cover this up!! hehe. thats really ace redcrx!!
wow, it's almost as if SR is Tina Karol, it's uncanny!
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Hi Champagne, well she did say that twins run in the family. perhaps her parents abandon babies too and they dont know about each other
It's uncanny!!!!!!!!!!

redcrx, ever thought of joining MI5?

LMFAO nice one redcrx, was only a matter of time before the muppet was caught out (not that we alll didnt know "she" isnt real anyway)
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I have to admit to searching after seeing something on another site that she frequents, cant believe i got lucky. Over there the baby story is a test to see if people like her for herself or her blondeness and beauty lol
I said ages ago I'd seen that girl before and would remember where, but I couldn't remember.
Nice one redcrx
that's made my day:)
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awww can't get in, but nice one redcrx, will it dare to reply?
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oh she will either reply saying how wonderful it is that i posted about her or will avoid it just as she does when i ask how many weeks pregnant she is. 4getmenot told her when babies due date would be and she picked up on that quickly enough.

Thank you WM, i value your respect. what sob story do we think she could come up with? perhaps it will be a long lost twin??
what about , it's her stalker who wants to be like her so much she copies everything about her even had surgery to look like her cos she's sooooo beautiful!
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oh bother, thats a brilliant story. do you think the other one is a lesbian too or just pregnant??
got to be both hasn't it really, I can't wait to see what it comes up with.
oh that has just made my day!!! Well done redcrx!! Where on earth did you find that???
oh my god!!! that's hilarious!!!!! well done redcrx!!!

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