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Why do we laugh

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RATTER15 | 22:55 Thu 07th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
All our reflexes are for a reason, we smile so we can show happiness but why do have hysterical laughter?


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thats a good question iknow i allways feel better after a real good laugh, and do you find maybe you think about it again hours after and it sets you off again but this time it allways like on the bus or in rhe street then you get strange looks off people!!!
I suppose its the same as crying, you can just shed a few tears, or get very emotional hysterical crying
and it works the same you always feel better after a good laugh, or a cry
Ratter ...Hi ..

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Hi Naz, they are very good, similar to some stuff I have done(not on website yet) I cant make stuff that big due to size of my workshop but its a lot of fun. you can check out some of my other stuff here /Application.php?

Thanks by the way
I believe that we basically laugh to express our inbound happiness for something. We can never top laughing ore smiling. This expresses not only happiness, but love and care too. Smile is magical, and can travel a thousand miles as well.
It's clearly a signal to others as few people, I think, laugh out loud when they are on their own.

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Why do we laugh

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