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Does it hurt?

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fatmanlevi04 | 00:09 Tue 19th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
127 Answers
When you, well you know???, especially when you can't see and its even worse when you have lost your keys lol


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The eashing machine eashed it away whilst you were engaged to the one eyed rocking horse, that cocked a wooden leg and fell on the Black and White minstrel
In the winter of discontent!!
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RATTER how am I going to get to casualty, do I have to fly on my "eashing machine lol) and the broken glass eye socks and rocking 3 legged pukin farting horse, better not get to casualty before me or I will have to wait all night to be attended to until they get fixed, what should I do?? and its late I have to start my job as a wherewolf soon, I know its not a full moon but it will be by the time i have been to casualty, and waited 3 hours for the glass eye to be xrayed, the horse to get an artificial leg (someone call for pinhoccios parents they might make one quicker) and who the heck is going to volunteer to clean up the temptresses puke, what a mess, oh and did you enjoy your marmite sandwiches and soya tea??? lol
Well the wooden leg is going to be rested at last as carakeel is suffering from the shock of seeing me in all my gory glory, and the glass eye has just gone blind.
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Great, I spent all night making them for you, never again. We are at 63 now lets make it to a 100, without me though I'm off to find my horse and eye and socks, need I say anymore. Anyone got a pair of roller skates so I can beat the horse to casuallty and not have to wait my turn??
You had the roller skates on when you were hiding the remote in the stable of the five legged rocking horse.
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Fab answers Ratter wouldnt you agree, 66 answers now, i am shattered and must go 2 bed but keep it going to a 100 answers mate
Maybe I will but I'm off to find the three eyed frog that ate the apple of my eye whilst peeling a plum in the dark with a sharp needle.
Has someone stolen the cheese grater?
Yes!! the rocking horse took it to the West Indies, I didn't even know he had a frog as a mate!! did you?
I found the mat!! hooray!!! the trouble is I cant get this silly hamster to get off the mat, he appears to be possessed by an ageing fatmanlevi looking for a three legged rocking horse called Stan!!
so, was that a frog with a glass eye then and did he have the right cheese for the cheese grater. By the way, is that how the frog lost a leg ... the cheese grater did it? The mind boggles! Or did the frog lose the leg while on holiday in France????
so thats wer my frog went did the toilet paper get wet wen he swam to france??
don't thinks so fms. He was riding the rocking horse at the time. You know what the french are like about frogs legs though .... mind you if he had chosen morocco the other eye might have been lost too...
The french rocking horse was never welcome in the rocking horse museum as it couldn't croak in taiwanese fluently
Frogs are not for eating they are strictly for riding into battle to fight the friendly Spaniards. Now behave!!!
Spaniards ... friendly? Have you asked the frog lately RATTER?
Carakeel, Leave the frog out of this !!!! this is only to be decided by the lost grasshopper of the 12th devision off battle hardened bison hoppers.
Help, fatmanlevi, where for art though, you have blighted the landscape this panel by your extended absence!!!

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