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Does it hurt?

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fatmanlevi04 | 00:09 Tue 19th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
127 Answers
When you, well you know???, especially when you can't see and its even worse when you have lost your keys lol


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I AM THE VICTOR, I AM THE WINNER, I shall possess the red sock of unity
Squirm you scoundrel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you tyrant after all i have done fro you, my glory has been stolen i am still a mere fatman and now someone has ran of with my levi's i am naked and ashamed ratter, find me my horse the end is nigh its time to bombard your thread i need my title, ouch the remote has been flung in my eye and it wasnt the glass one, here catch this worm guffaw guffaw i shall beat thee
Where are, come back and face the music!!!
Thats it take it like a man!!!
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i am going after your thread ratter you shall not beat me, enjoy your moment of glory i have found a spare leg and my boisterous horse will ride me there as fast as you stole my hundred mark oh gallant rat i need to win arrrrrgh n"splat", i have founf the remote ooohhhhsplumf.
This is the new Lord of the rings me thinks oh great warrior!!!
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY RATTER!!!! WELL DONE!!! We declare you oh Galant Knight of the Rat to be the victor!!! !You two have had me in stitches!!! fatmanlevi, you too are a true and righteous warrior!! Just a shame you didn't get off your horse fast enough to put the gallant SIR RAT in his place! Well don you two!!!!!! A toast to you both!!
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i have found your nest rat and kidnapped your wife rat and peasant children rats i am going to feed them to my army of warriour horses tomight, the randsome my remote, i cant see the bath
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carakeel, how can you do this the vermin squirmed his way into your affections and between you stole my crown, i cant find the remote, the tv is on the blink i am hungry desperate afraid and coming for you both ................................................
fatman, kidnapping the wife - I hear he has been trying to get rid of her for ages ... another ploy perhaps?? Just a little tip here ... : )
Tomight? you have kidnapped my wife!! So I can cancel the divorce then!! hoorah!!! My partner of modern days will now join the clan of Ratterdom, she will never sprout the young of the great rat as she has been made baron as the wastes of the grand sands of Moringdon where nothing grows but the winds of hell!! Good fortune you brave one!!!
You will need it!!! if you got her to put up with LOL
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I don't believe it, you are supposed to be in DEVASTATION mode you fool, she is tied to the sugar pot and can not get free, but sends the following message:

Here Here, if anyone out there knows the wearabouts of my darling husband "The Ratter" I shall reward them by letting you f****ing have him.

If he is with the Carakeel hussy I will eat her for my lunch guffaw guffaw
OI!!! Who are you calling a hussy??? I am but a sweet wench, big boobs and all, in which a Knight may find comfort and solace when the chillled winds of past hells engulf him! My hephalump guards me and keeps me safe from all evil ... like rats!!!
You may come to lunch but eat me you man NOT kind sir!!!
The Carakeel is but a hussy, of whom acquaintance I shall deny, for that dogged wench you have tied to your sugar bowl is the robber of my fortunes, do away with her!! I am to perform my duties of exchanging the gleen of life with who I have taken up my abode.
me ooopseth! my apologies ... you may not eat me fatman, I fear I would not be to your liking, old and crumpled in my final hours ... Hussy? Me????
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You dare to talk between yourselves when I did you hear me I am the one who makes the choices, I shall eat you both very slowly starting with the tail now fetch the remote, the horse the sugar pot and get the hell over here
Coming ........

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