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is this the modern day affair?

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ddaisy992 | 00:18 Thu 20th Nov 2008 | Relationships & Dating
63 Answers
i was at the doctors today read an old take a break magazine story about a woman who left her husband for a man she met online. I say 'met' but she hadnt met him physicaly. Turned out he had a wife with kids an never left them so the woman had nothing. Her husband scarpered as he was undestandably mortified when he found out. So is it common in this 2!st century for these online affairs?


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Awww gbg - that sounds like you're speaking from experience? And yes, yes, I know you were using an example hun. There are several guys I like chatting to on here - and females as well. All innocent, but as i've already said - if ever my husband was to take anything a step further - which I know he wouldn't - then of course i wouldn't like it. Who would, if they have what they consider a solid and loving relationship?
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Bez u reckon hed be worried if he saw me ?


some bit of scragg i am



LOL you see what I mean by misinterpretation there!?! No Knowledge I believe Bez is just saying why would she want someone online when she already has someone in the flesh not to mention she probably has the confidence to speak and flirt with anyone in person and not online if she were single.
Hi bez - I agree with you. x

Rofl @ noknow again!!! Awww.... I'm sure you're not a scrag end hun. You can be bl**dy funny though!

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Hi! Sorry to butt
Ice, so where is your husband then, every night when you're on here? Does he work away? I'm just curious now!
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wow, thanks for all the replys, I agree that the woman must have been realy unhappy too have left her husband for a 'stranger'..mind you it said in the mag that she spent 7 hours a day/or nite sometimes more online with the guy.! Wonder how the husband never knew? She looked as if shes stil unhappy so i feel sorry for her,
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ah lovely photo noknowledge! ! Suits you sir haha
I met a man off internet and my god I won't be doing that again!
After a few months I found out all the lies he had told me and realised why he had been single so long.
I was so venerable and naive.
I know it works for some people but not for me
take a break probably made it up because that's all their magazines about.....affairs,celebrities and diets. celebrities having affairs, celebrities on diets,
daisy daisy sure it wasnt the shrinks office you were in �?
mind you reading those mags youd need to be a bit stupid really lol
Everyone wants to believe the grass is greener and people seem to live in a perpetual fantasy world, just to get through the day these days. Virtual games, virtual lives, the internet has alot to answer for, as wonderful as it is.

I have heard this scenario so many times and some would say well it's not really cheating as they've never met. Recently there was a story about a married man who set up an avator on one of those virtual life websites, where he "married" a woman he'd met there. This had been going on for a while and his real wife divorced him when she found out.

when the trust is gone , theres nothing , even love cant conquer the losss of trust.

ddaisy seems to have done an in depth study on an old magazine and has followed it up it would seem by knowing the womans still unhappy?

ddaisy do you know this woman ?

was it perhaps you ?

you often see folk posting about a friend etc when its eally about themselves.

ddaisy do you wanna offload �?
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legendsgod why are you always so disagreeable? Trying too pick pick away, it was an old mag, the woman stil looked sad months after she left her husand, i didnt say it was now! Stop it with your childishnes, you realy should try too act like an adult nstead of a stupid schoolboy. .

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