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is this the modern day affair?

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ddaisy992 | 00:18 Thu 20th Nov 2008 | Relationships & Dating
63 Answers
i was at the doctors today read an old take a break magazine story about a woman who left her husband for a man she met online. I say 'met' but she hadnt met him physicaly. Turned out he had a wife with kids an never left them so the woman had nothing. Her husband scarpered as he was undestandably mortified when he found out. So is it common in this 2!st century for these online affairs?


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Rofl @ jno!! Awww...and there was me, thinking they were very good likenesses!!!!!! : )

Zebra - a totally on line relationship, without ever meeting that person, is pure fantasy, based on what you think the other person's really like. It's no substitute for getting to know someone in real life. I know of two happy marriages, where initially, the couples met on chat sites, but they all met up loads of times before they realised they'd found something special.
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Ice Maiden, sorry probably didn't explain properly, I totally agree some people have that online experience, then meet up and its all roses....good for them. I know of a couple of people where it has worked out.

I meant these idiots that chat away etc when they have a partner but think because its not in person it is not cheating, but surely it is, as they don't do it with their knowledge. That side of it is just seedy to me!
seedy sounds good

well im single and if you are and wanna get seedy

then im ready

Haysi/Daisy -is there room on the bike for two-
I aint half crazy -.............................oops forgot the rest of the words.

Think i'm the Daftie lol -what am I like -tee hee !!!!
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It depends on how far a person takes the chats, zebra. If, say, couples get talking on places like AB. a lot of banter goes off, and suggestive talk - but I consider that harmless. If the chats move onto a more personal level, such as on msn, and the flirting becomes worse, or moves a step further by way of a webcam, then yes, depending on what's said or shown - I think that could be classed as cheating, particularly if someone arranges to meet up with someone else behind their partner's back.
Leggy - agreed - just pics - but I'm hardly likely to post one of someone else, am I!!!
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Flirting with someone online or even just talking in general banter is so easy because you don't get to see their facial expressions and vice versa.

To some people it's easier to talk online and as it happens they talk more through texts and not just SMS. I prefer phone calls and face to face chats personally because in my experience there are far too much misinterpretations to what one is saying and the other. Especially because you can't even hear how it is said which makes a question hard to know if it's being asked in a narky way or in a gentle way.

Online, I can simply ask a woman without showing any expression "I think you're fit, would you like to meet up for coffee and see where it will lead us afterwards?!" And she can answer without any fear of upsetting or using energy to show expression, it's all done by text it's ridiculous in my opinion.

But if you're in a committed relationship, flirting and sleeping with anyone is out of the question... it shouldn't even cross your mind otherwise you'll need to have a serious conversation with your partner.... FACE TO FACE!! (this is not directed to anybody here)
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Petal its always innocent with me

im like a child

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Yes, gbg, I see what you're saying. Well, firstly, my husband wouldn't and doesn't go on ANY site like this - lol - but he knows that I do, and trusts me implicitly - as I do him. Don't really understand what you mean by mentioning Leggy though. I class him as an online friend - nice chap - but there's no romantic involvement, as there isn't with any other person on here. My husband DOES chat to other females, one to one - but they're friends of BOTH of us, and I have no worries at all.

Petal its always innocent with me

im like a child


yup .....
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Lol ' noknow!! : )
talking online as friends is cool and all the networking etc. But when you feel that it's getting a little on the flirty side from the person whom you're talking to your best bet is to dodge it or be blunt about it. If I had a girlfriend who is talking to a chap online by webcam or by MSN or chatsites I wouldn't mind at all so long as she behaves and knows where her loyalty lies.

Of course I will give her that freedom to talk to guys online random or friends because I know I will be doing it too and it's only fair right? It's just bang out of order if I cut that freedom from her and I'd be a hypocrite.
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