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Not looking forward to Xmas

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tillyh345 | 21:11 Sun 19th Dec 2010 | Family & Relationships
85 Answers
Is there anyone out there that isnt and why not.......


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tilly - sorry for hijacking your question - in reply, i am loooking forward to xmas even tho' i'll be working 1000 - 2200hrs on the 24th - 27th inclusive. but i don't mind cos i love my job - we have a laugh but it'll be great to see my wife at about 11 o' clock on Monday week!
probably still waiting for my Tesco delivery.....
spot on craft - there are a lot of suicides at xmas. my wife and i work for different emergency services in birmingham. it is a bad time of year for a lot of people... i love my job because we can sometimes help. in some cases, it's not the case :- ((((
Am gonna have to zip-it & be at DILs mercy while she criticises my cooking/cleaning/caring of home & pets. She will have a list of homes she's inspected & ready to receive me. Only my dogs can save me.
PokerMan I think if you are depressed and alone your situation is magnified at Xmas and some people feel lonelier than ever. The same on New Years Eve when you see all the couples kissing at midnight and looking forward must be very difficult for some people at times like this.
...........thinking of changing my username to 'invisible'.
Why, daffy, I can see you, and if I can, so can others.
Just getting a little bit peeved at being ignored on AB lately starbuckone.

I have wondered on occasion if my posts were actually visible or not. lol
Kwanzaa? What's that?
yes, craft, you're right. i'll say no more
Keep trying daffy, I get the same problem sometimes.
You're not deliriously happy just because it's Kwanzaa...? There must be something wrong with you! What an old misery-guts!

oh daffy I'm sorry.....
Still don't know what you mean by Kwanzaa Mark, and did I say you were an old misery guts? I wouldn't be so unkind. I well remember telling pinkilady I thought you were goodlooking.
Christmas is deeply ingrained in our culture-it's an important part of the heritage of a lot of Western countries.....Kwanzaa isn't.

daffy-I understand completely ;)
sorry daffy that this can be a sad time of year for you.

best wishes
I was looking forward to Christmas- supposed to be going to germany and spending it with the kids, however this snow is making me nervous- flight is Tuesday:(
jeepers chaps cheer up a bit forget xmas its just a massive rip off anyway
<waves to daffy>
Can't remember when I last looked forward to Christmas and I have always loathed New Year. Come to think of it don't celebrate my birthday either. No wonder I never get party invites these days :o)
Mark aren't you a could offer to play 'old time songs' in care homes. Where you get good company & Xmas dinner.

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