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Not looking forward to Xmas

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tillyh345 | 21:11 Sun 19th Dec 2010 | Family & Relationships
85 Answers
Is there anyone out there that isnt and why not.......


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3 is not a problem then?
Practice makes perfect.
Are we talking 70cl or the full litre here? Even at my age I like to set myself personal targets which are possible, if not probable. Mind you those blood tests are a ruddy pain when they come round.
When I was working I was told that any targets had to be realistic and achievable. If I were your line manager I would start you on 70cl and gradually work up to the full litre. So that I may be au fait with the bottle come Saturday, I have started practising now, as we speak. Seem to be doing well so far.
Lol ttfn. A litre is always best, especially for Christmas. Best get some sleep now so night night. xx
Sorry Mike, night to you too. xx
Night Jan - sleep well ♥
Mike - manage me? Many have tried dear, many have failed. But the technique sounds good. May one ask what is contained in that bottle of yours tonight?
Not sure, but I'm getting a very heavy bouquet of juniper berries!
I am be-gin-ing to work that one out now
There were ten green bottles standing on the shelf, but five of them have accidentally-on-purpose found their way into my possession.
You see the problem with decimalisation is perfectly exampled with your last posting. Years ago 50% meant that 6 would have found their way into your possession.
Quite, or even 7 if we're talking baker's dozens.
Is it just me mike, or do our seasonal avatars look a little out of place with our present conversation?!
Only ever so slightly. I am sure the Holy Madonna and Child will smile upon us with sweet indulgence as we try to fathom the mysteries of the bottle.
More like a glassy stare I fear! Well I am off to try for a napette now mike. Take care and keep warm. Sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
Me too. Have already been to bed once tonight, but woke up thirsty. Was going to make a cup of tea, but the gin bottle was nearer than the milk bottle. No willpower, that's me. Going to go back now and see if I can throw a few more zzzzzz at the ceiling.
If you happen to visit this site this morning, Mark, I know I could google it, but i's more fun asking you. I'm not a Christian either, but I still join in the fun. And I'll join in the Kwanzaa, if it's fun and they will let me. Please notice that "fun" is the operative word.
Never liked christmas. often worked through it...or had to be a domestic slave making everything perfect (designer decorations home made everything) .for the first time in as long as I can remember I am really excited about it...and it's because this year it has been all about making sure its a wonderful christmas for some one else not about getting the perfect dress, and spending time with people I didn't much like anyway .... but for those not so keen...its only a few days...
i am ambivalent towards it this year.
I think it's a difficult time of year for the bereaved, but can't really understand why as it's just one day that's very much like any other
I am looking forward to the break more than the festivities.

It does seem a lot of work goes into xmas and all for just one day!!!!

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