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Locks 'n bolts

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Robinia | 14:18 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | DIY
504 Answers
Can someone tell me the official name of this type of bolt please, I'm sure it must have one.
Where have all the old fashioned hardware stores gone?...the nice man in a brown overall & a pencil behind his ear would know what I meant by 'twisty, bolty thingy' (even if it hadn't been invented).


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I'm sorry about my lack of concentration in distilling moonshine Robinia , .I've been a spirited Shaney and have been busy boiling up my carcass.You can all come round for soup ,bring yer own dumplings :))
Sorry about my lack of concentration Robinia. I've been a spirited Shaney and have been boiling up my carcass.
You can all come round for soup ,bring yer own dumplings :)
How many more times must I write this out and post it only for it to disappear into the ether .
Well sod me .Are they trying to save on the leccy bill or something .Post one get one free .Pogof's ha ha ...
Anway whilst I'm pogging have any of you got a panini press / snadwich maker thingy ? 'Cos I'm thinking of buying one .They seem quite expensive and I don't want another dust gatherer that gets shoved in the back of a cupboard after the novelty has worn off .
My poor daughter is STILL roaming round Barcelona - she,s ended up on the mountain and is now on the bus back past her new place, if she recognises it quickly enough to get off, it would be laughable if it wasn't my kid.
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Neti I wonder where she gets it from?

It's belt 'n braces when I come on here nowadays shaney, I always use notepad first & then copy & paste it...can't help you with a snadwich :o) gizmo I'm afraid, is that a Ronwich speciality?... Thankfully I've never really been tempted by gadgets...I am considering buying an iron that you plug in to the leccy though :o)

Oh dear, still no Kit...better send her something to eat
Hi shaney, I have a sandwich maker but not a very posh one, and yes, it's right at the back of the cupboard. It works fine, but just can't be bothered with it. I use Lakelands toaster bags for toasted cheese sandwiches (I know a lot of people don't like them) but I get on fine with them.

Daughter has finally landed, 3hrs after arriving in town. I also have no sense of direction, made Mr N follow a river when I was map reading, and he turned right and I said impossible, so then he stopped and checked ~ ooops. Now he leaves me in peace!
Good news Neti ,now you can relax .
We did have a sandwich toaster years ago .One of those where you have to cut the crusts off and butter the bread upside down .It was a swine to clean and got relegated .All the fillings used to leak out .it was useless .
This is a sort of flat grill type thing which you can cook paninis on as well as sandwiches and more besides .
I saw one on Amazon and it had good reviews .Costs about sixty quid though .i'm dithering .

I expect Kit is busy erecting barricades around Stockholm Robinia in view of our pending mass migration to swish houses right next door ..... on our lottery winnings . .....:)
I actually got 18.50 last week on the euromillions .Not quite enough for a penthouse in Stockholm :(
Snadwich word for today :)
The text comes up so tiny in this box .
Try an egg boiler instead shaney, pretty good in my opinion. Bit egg bound now!
I love a boiled egg Neti . And a nice bit of toast with loads of butter .Yummy .
Mr S. usually does them and they're always perfect as I can't stand snotty eggs .His Mum always reckoned he was a champion egg boiler .I've never had one of those electric egg boilers and I musn't buy one or he'll think he's out of job :)
I wonder if they make an electric tin tidying machine or an automatic gin bottle polisher .
Shaney try clicking on control and + and the text comes bigger. X
just passing through>>>anybody seen the bar>>>>
Vinny, that is definitely one of my most favourite songs, along with McArthur's Park (Richard Harris).

Good night each!
oh, isn't she nice. She has Asperger's syndrome (sort of autism), apparently, see the bottom video here
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good morning dizzee biddee rascals...just passin' through...
hope you're all upright & mobile today. Got a stiff neck & I really have to totter to ye olde shoppes to buy huge amounts of calories to make up for the lack of them this past 10 days, shame I'll only be able to look right when I cross the road...better wear my day-glo libby bodice over my anorak.
Are you black and white then Robi??

What was the verdict on Ethel's disappearance? Did AB Ed get in touch, I seem to have missed it all and I did like her.
definitely a dilemma, Lottie.

Mine is whether to have a shower - I wouldn't want it to make the newspapers
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lol Lottie I added that exact 'Hmmm? + link' to my post & then thought better of's a bit worrying now.

Black & white neti? no, but I think I'm almost invisible :o(...actually I got a few smiles today from strangers...and a van stopped to let me cross. Going shopping in your fluffy pink slippers has it's plusses..
It's no wonder we're all ill, everywhere you go there's someone with a hacking cough...I'm going to install a walk through decontamination system outside my door.... for when I get home I mean, not for when I leave the house, haha...

my ablutions regularly make the headlines jno...
love that newspaper article Robi!!
Being a shower every morning person I have now discovered the art of lying in a lovely hot bath. Since I fell over I've found it really soothes my aches and pains of which I have many at the mo. My sister who fell down the stairs a few years back says they get worse before they get better, So with a 'thanks sis' I dived in the bath (Not literally)
Just been to Vision Express in town to get my specs all straightened out and de-gritted. It's a lovely day today with glorious sunshine. Hope it's as nice as this on Monday when I go to Chester.
Neti who's Ethel?
See yer later 'gater(s)

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