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Locks 'n bolts

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Robinia | 14:18 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | DIY
504 Answers
Can someone tell me the official name of this type of bolt please, I'm sure it must have one.
Where have all the old fashioned hardware stores gone?...the nice man in a brown overall & a pencil behind his ear would know what I meant by 'twisty, bolty thingy' (even if it hadn't been invented).


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EH??!! why won't my whole post go? won't batter you again last try...
oh & while I'm at it....I'll give him wig cases, haha

While we're talking tv, did anyone see Ozzy O (& Sharon) on Graham Norton last night? Sorry if you can't stand either of them but I haven't laughed so much in ages, just what I needed, 'specially when he talked about being a rubbish burglar. I know, I know, that's not funny but the way he says it it is. It's on IPlayer, Ricky Gervais & Olivia Neutron Bomb were on too - thought I'd better warn you in case it's all a show from hell for you.

Good luck with the appt Jude, know how you feel, I've got the bloomin dentist tomorrow - if I don't chicken out
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sorry bout all that, this place is scrambled...I tried about 4 times, nothing happened....then it appears!
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hmmm, just noticed that Vinny was sposed to get a battering on post 261 & it's removed that sentence...obviously a 'no violence towards hippies' filter on here, hahahaha...I demand an amendment at once ! :o)
Your name was supposed to have been in my Andy Williams post but you've been deleted - what have you done to deserve all this aggro Robi!!
I asked ed to stop all anti-hippy comments and he's put a special filter on he he..!bloomin eck...the next goverments putting retirement age up to 66 and when I reach that it will go up to bloody 70...oh well...I always wanted to die on the job...(:O)
over here retirement age is 70 and has been for ages!!
oh yes, that'd be the famous Spanish Work Ethic. Just back from the doctor's where they still haven't got myXray after 2 weeks - it's only a mile from the hospital but I suppose the tortoise they sent to deliver it has decided to hibernate. I am getting very exasperated with the NHS.

cough cough
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tut...had a bloomin' power cut didn't we?'s a conspiracy to kick Robi while she's down...I bet Vincent knows sommat about it....I hate being cut off & managed to find I'd still got my mum's dusty little old radio & deep joy, the right sized batteries (leave it) what did I do? Plugged the damned thing in! hahaha. Then I put some soup in a mug & popped it in the micro....there's no hope for me really.
Anyway all these candles & paraffin lamps leave here with me tonight and if you've hidden anything with batteries hand it over at once...on second thought....
Don't knock the Spanish work wethics jno, they can't claim the dole or anything unless they have worked the previous 6 months, and then they can only cliam for 3 months, Britian could learn a thing or two, and foreigners are not entitled to anything unless they have also worked legally.
*wethics* obviously old spanish word!! :-(
Wood Worning.
its going to be sunny today and My work wethics have gone out the window cos its not waining..!he he..!(:O)wait a winute...where's the wun gone...that WWC has got it wong again...wut..! in a willy wood today.Im of to have my woiled weg...water wudes...whoosh>>.(*_*)
Took you at your work Robinia and watch Graham Norton with Ozzy - it was hilarious, I never imagined Ozzy to be so funny or so on the ball!! I thought Olivia Neutron Bomb look just like a Lulu clone, didn't look anything like her old self!

Off shopping for bedding for daughter (if she ever gets up!).
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good moaning...grrrr...been awake half the night sweating & I've got a very sore throat & earache, had to postpone the dentist appt, I couldn't bear anyone poking around my mouth & the thought of any drilling....aagghh!! Think I'll see if some one with a big gun will come round & put me down. Have you succumbed Kit? No need to speak just a wave will do.

I thought Olivia looks very odd neti & now you come to mention it she does look like Lulu. I bet she didn't really think it was funny when Ozzy said that herbal potion was a load of *bollards* :o)

can you mash me an egg up Vinny? and I'll have my toast raw please....
Ha ha Robi I didn't catch what he said, but she certainly wasn't amused!

You poor thing, you sound really ill, so take care, keep warm and keep away from all things dental.
Hi Robi sorry you are still not feeling well. Hope you do very soon.

I watched Graham Norton the other night and thought Ozzy was very lucid considering his history. In fact I laughed out loud and Olivia N.B. looked like she had had a full facial job - almost unrecognisable.

Vinny you are a case and a half. Very funny this morning!

Just had a letter form Derby city Council letting me off a parking fine. Phew!! saved me £35.

Off now to my next appt. see yer later !!
*waves feebly* (could hardly figure out how to sign in)
Hi Kit get well soon x
Hi Kit, didn't realise that you were not well either, take care and get well asap x
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*waves to Kit*...I gather you're still under the weather too :o(...get your feet on the futon.... but keep your socks on.

Well done Jude, can you post that £35 to Olivia please & ask her send us all some magic amazonian potions, we're falling like dominoes in here?

looks like shaney & lottie are deciding whether to come inside or leggit before they catch the lurgy from us

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