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Locks 'n bolts

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Robinia | 14:18 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | DIY
504 Answers
Can someone tell me the official name of this type of bolt please, I'm sure it must have one.
Where have all the old fashioned hardware stores gone?...the nice man in a brown overall & a pencil behind his ear would know what I meant by 'twisty, bolty thingy' (even if it hadn't been invented).


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˙˙˙ႨႨɐ noʎ әʌoႨ !((((*:*))))
~~~~~xxx ႨႨɐ noʎ әʌoႨ~~~~~
Its been emotional
You OK Vin?
S'up Vinster? (And how the hell did you write upside down, you genius you!!)

Yeah Shaney I saw one of her dresses too, when I was in London 1989. Must have been at MOMI. And something of Fred Astaire's too I think. Weird feeling. MOMI is no more, is it?

Mostly van (Gogh) the man here (vid below). I used to have a print of the resting couple (at 2.14) in my kitchenette. It fell down and I couldn't get it out from under the stove. I thought I'd see it again a few years ago when they re-did all the plumbing and electricity and I got a new stove and fridge, but nope it wasn't there waiting for me when I came back. There was a Hundertwasser there too that wasn't there either - if you see what I mean. I know exactly what's behind my stove at any given time ha ha... for the time being it's a piece of halloumi fried in Hungarian paprika:)
Marilyn tiny? Er, in some directions, yes. She was in the lobby of a hotel I stayed at in Washington a year or two ago

Yes, MOMI seems to have vanished, Kit. I don't know what's happened to the collections, which were quite interesting. I saw Hundertwasser's flats in Vienna (just from the outside) in August, to add to my sighting of his loos in Kawakawa (from the inside) earlier in the year.
You do do everything in style don't you jno. Hope you had a memorable *checks notes* ...throughput! (And I do so hope you're feeling better, cough-wise.)
Beautifull record Kip..when robi sobers up she'll be playing that like there's no tomorrow..he he.:O)Cheers Lofty Im okay..we had a brill crop in Devon.."tis cheaper than water tis"(:O)This is fer jude..a magic lady...!hiya .netti...dolly....shaney..robi...jno.....(waves like fu*k)(((*_*)))
I hope she does sober up ;-) soon, Vin, I miss her posts. Feeling at all better Robi? G'night gang /xxx
Morning all - love "Go Now" it always reminds me of Mr N although I don't need reminding of him!

Hope Robi is feeling better, I seem to have an itchy rash on the front top half of my chest (not the bazooms though luckily) and; a) it looks awful and; b) it feels awful. Will buy some anti-histamines today, that'll sort it!
Morning All. Thanks for the Led Zep Vin. Magic Robert Plant and fabulous guitar playing by Jimmy Page, Brightened my Sunday up.
Lovely day here. Please get better all that are not feeling well. Hope Robi comes back soon.

Take care Biddyfriends see yer later 'gater(s)
Oh biddies I've been to New York. In my mind. The morning paper (in Google Reader!) had an article about design hotels and there was this one in NY, The Standard, a new one by the Hudson river... I'm sure jno has already booked a room there... oh just look at one of the bathrooms: Of course, in real life I'd paint the windows black before stepping into that tub, but it's a nice dream to have inside one's head... Here's their website, just look at the slideshow when you click ROOMS: sigh....
hello all...quick pop in...both computers took badly sick yesterday due to !"£$%^ macaffee so we went out abd bought norton and it has taken till now to get sorted again...not even time to read thr posts as i am cooking roast pork for dinner are you all well? why did Robi over indulge??
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good I is...I haven't read all the posts so please pardonnez-moi for not referring to anything specific, except to thank those who've mailed/missed me...and if you haven't you're off my xmas knitting list. I'll catch up gradually. Feeling tired & jaded, had a massive headache the past couple of days, just for good measure, tut, so I haven't had an appetite & a diet (!) of toast & slippery elm doesn't do a lot for the energy levels.

Anyhoo, the good news is I can see lines on here! yay! makes reading it a whole lot better and the font looks sharper too...Tarquin has upgraded me to IE8 today, I could have done it myself I suppose but there's always something needs tweaking when you've done these things....And I've got drawers to put my winter drawers in...more yay! I did warn him I'd had a bug in the week but he said he'd come over anyway....I hate to think I've passed anything on to other people (a few peeps are complaining of collywobbles but they seem to be getting away with the *special effects* part...and it's always those who say they could do with losing weight, grrr)
He wanted to show off his latest toy, not the exact one but similar to one of these monstrosities

I swear he was sent here to put years on me & give me grey hairs...I shouldn't have them really you know, I'm only 36.
Nice to see you Robbie. I hope you feel much better soon.

I have one of those things that gives you grey hairs too, i.e. a son. Yet another bike enthusiast. He always seems to be getting new ones for the collection or upgrading the ones he had. He cycles like he drives too - probably very good but puts the fear of death in his poor old mum. When he was younger we seemed to have a reserved seat the the GP surgery for the latest injury. The latest toy is a tandem. Even the dog has a trailer to sit in (but at least he doesn't take her on the serious mountain biking expeditions). He has even introduced his girlfriend to the biking regime. Poor girl - the things you do for love.

Swedie. My hotels would probably look like this.

and my hotel room like this

More my price range.

I have no desire to go to New York. None whatsoever. Just don't like big cities at all any more. However, would like to go to Barcelona for the weekend.
Bu**er!! I'll try again later.........................
Hello Robi Very pleased to see you back and sounding your usual self. x
Welcome back Robi - poor thing.

LL I would also love to go to Barcelona again, and hopefully Mr N will pay for me to visit our ofspring one day soon. It gets quite expensive from here, usually about £100 return, and it only takes 45 mins!!
Aww come on Lottie post the hotel again - was it this? (None of the links worked for me.)

Hi Robi, it's great to have you back, now do try to stay on the wagon. (Woofy she didn't - it was just Vinny being silly as per usual :) I used to work with someone who had a bike like that, Robi, he was nuts ;-)

My eldest nephew had a diving accident and a concussion and my youngest sister had to put her dog down so it's been an upsetting week, but nephew seems to be surviving :) It's his second really bad diving accident, the first one left him one millimeter from paraplegia - I wish he'd stop doing it and just get into the water like a normal person!

Shaney I'm glad Mr S likes The Local! I quite like it myself and often retreat to it when I feel I don't necessarily want to get too deep into detail.

From the album Ol' Brown Ears Is Back:

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