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Locks 'n bolts

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Robinia | 14:18 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | DIY
504 Answers
Can someone tell me the official name of this type of bolt please, I'm sure it must have one.
Where have all the old fashioned hardware stores gone?...the nice man in a brown overall & a pencil behind his ear would know what I meant by 'twisty, bolty thingy' (even if it hadn't been invented).


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Hope you have a good night Robi. And sleep tight everyone I'm off to bed now. I've walked my legs off today. Bye for now x
Have a good night Robi. And goodnight everyone I'm off to bed now. Walked my legs off today.
Bye for now x
Whoops I didn't think my post had come on. x
Get better soon ribenia.hope im still on yer xmas list...(but im bu66ered if I want another jumper :O))..I went to barcalona years ago....the tranies look like chicks,in fact there better looking...(:O)nighty night jude.from silly vinny.he he..!.(((*_*)))
I see this new sequel to Winnie the Pooh has an all-new character, "a bossy, cricket-playing otter with a pearl necklace", name of Lottie.

My motto is that all sequels by someone else are invariably rubbish, except for a film called Butch and Sundance the Early Days, which was rather fun but seems never to have come out on video.

cough cough
I read that too jno. What a nice picture for an avatar! That's if they ever get round to making it all work!!

Morning folks!!
Don't much care for Winnie the pooh. Lovely day here.

Hope you are all ok!
you certainly wouldn't want him around if you had swine flu, neti
*cough cough - oink oink?* Afternoon biddies, I'm coming down with something or other. Been coughing for days. Yesterday the coughing turned painful and today I sound like a transvestite when I try to talk - you'd like me Vinny ;-) and there's the weirdest sound in my throat when I breathe out - like something's slowly frying in there. (It had BETTER be halloumi.)
Ha ha ha ha ha! That's so funny jno! Love it!
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a'noon all...oh not another biddy with a lurgy? (blame jno for coughing on us)...hope it doesn't get too bad Kit. Hope the rest of you are well.

I was heading this way earlier but the doorbell went, then the phone rang, etc & I gave up. Despite the rubbery legs I've had a lovely hour pottering outside, shame it was overcast but it was soooo still & mild, a bit spooky really. I expect it'll be blowin' our bloomin heads off tomorrow. I never look forward to winter months but this year I've got an overwhelming dread & fear of it, :o( . Jude it's not my usual self that I want to sound's a new self I'd really like to be! (but thanks for the welcome back)

hmmm, never was a fan of Winnie either, I was more of a Rupert fan myself, haha.
Hi Robi. 'Your usual self' to me is a person with a great sense of humour and the ability to write brilliantly good posts which comes across when I read them so when you say you're feeling rough you really must be.
Hope everyone else is ok.
I've had a lazy day today except for a walk. The sun was out for a short time but then as Robi says it became overcast but still mild.
Good joke Jno. Not into either bears meself but if I had to choose it would have to be Rupert as I did read a few of his books.
What did you mean 'Silly' Vinny? Or have I misunderstood. There's nothing silly about you. You know all the best music!!!

One of my favourite programmes tonight. University Challenge. I try and see how many questions I can answer. My record up to now is 5 Ha Ha!!

See yer later 'gater(s)! x
hello all, glad to hear that you are feeling better Robi. I think it must be the weather, I spent most of yesterday asleep, then today DH and i took the dogs out for a walk, got back in at 7.30 this am and we alll went back to bed, next thing I know its 11.45!
We went to town then to order a new 3 piece...and that was a performance, the local John Lewis is training staff for a new store in Poole and at one point we had 6 people serving us...the actual store person, a trainer from Nottingham and 4 trainees. I still feel spaced out as does DH, he has to go out tonight but i think i might wait up for him lying down as it were...
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oh Jude, you're too kind...everyone on here writes brilliant posts & has a great soh...let's face it we have to or we'd never put up with each other & all our gripes ;o). Heck, I stopped watching University challenge when my brain cells left town along with my hormones. It was a family joke that my ex always answered classical music questions with 'Peter & the Wolf'...and once in about every 20 he'd be right :o)

oh woofy that doesn't sound good, that's how I started, I felt like I'd been drugged for 2 days...and then I just wanted someone to finish me off.
A trainer from Nottingham? No wonder it was a long job, the poor store assistant probably had to keep referring to their 'Aye up mi duck -English' phrase book...
...well I thought I may as well get that in before Vinny does :o)
I like Rupert Bear and everything Nutwood!
Wakey Wakey.!!!!
toast is ready(slightly burnt).I like the last few posts....a few little it any Coincidence its getting near xmas..erm....I was going to send you all some nice hair nets in viibrant colors but seeing has you are probably mostly all bold Im sending you a nice case instead
hehe..!(im so going to pay for this)im only yoking..!!!(:O) anyways hope everybodys feeling better today.must go to work on an egg....later duddettes...>>>>>>>whoosh>>(*_*)
Did anyone see Andy Williams On Strictly the other night (I always get to see it later than you lot) oh and this post is not for > as she hates it. Well I thought his singing was dreadful, a wobbly wavering spindly type voice, and slightly off tune to my mind, and yes I know he's old but so isTony Bennett and he sings just fine. Was so embarrassed for him.
Morning All It's absolutely persisting down at the mo and I'm a bit fed up with appointments. Got one today, tomorrow and Thurs. Wont bore you with details. Never mind eh!! I've got next Monday to look forward to as I'm going to chester for the day. Hope all are getting on alright with the Biddyaches etc.. Off to put some 'slap' on now for my first appointment. Bye for now..............x
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good morning...anyone want to dance naked in the rain 'cos we've got torrents of it here? :o( It had been dry for a while actually and had been lovely to walk around the garden without getting the frills on me bloomers soggy.

What's wrong with this sentence?....."Did anyone SEE Andy Williams on STRICTLY the other night?"....
[batters neti with the Woman's Weakly....
Question Author chopped me post in 2....
[batters neti with the Woman's Weakly....

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