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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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My son and gf have been instructed by me to just go and get married if they feel the need. They can tell me when the deed is done and then we can go down the pub for a nice meal.
Good idea Lottie.....
We have just got back with some more goldfish as the pond still looked quite empty. The garden centre had this which I really like but we have nowhere to put it....could imagine the boys using it as a giant drinking bowl too...
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I'd have every cat in the neighbourhood sitting round that like a television woofy! :o)

Do your washing machines beggar about & just tumble round doing nothing for aaaages before they go on to the next stage? Mine's doing it now, grrrrr
Thank you for your suggestions on a jacket for my dress. Robi it's a shade of grey and pink on creamy background not quite a blue. I was hoping to have something bright but I think it will have to be a gentle pastel shade as you suggest to make it look right.. The dress is the one I wore at my son's wedding and is a Jaques Vert. The most expensive item of clothing I've ever bought in my life and I have only worn it twice.
I have just watched the School Choir of the year on iPlayer. What a brilliant show and beautiful singing. How they could decide on the winners I don't know.
My sister reminded me about it today when she came. She wanted to know if I would like to go to Scotland for a 5 night break in June so of course I said yes and gave her my cheque.
It has been quite cool all day today and I've been a little bit browned off but there's some footie on tonight so that my cheer me up. I shouldn't switch to ITV at 7.30 if I were you cos it's on there.

Hope you've had a good day and I'll see yer later 'gater(s)
cat tv Robi lol
Nighty night all
Question Author
nite nite woofy & all...don't send out a search party tomorrow if I don't appear, gonna be a bit busy!
Night Night Woof and Robi.

Ooooh Robi. Is he nice - does he look like Clive Owen? Enjoy yourself!!
Hope you are doing something lovely Robi...I have just cleaned extensive fox poo off both dogs.
Morning all, lovely sunny day here. Just back from medico, the toe is defo broken and he has now strapped it to next one but with something separating them, will take a month roughly . Must say it's much more comfy, I was strapping it to the next one and crushing it! Finger seems to have had plant poison in it, which is slowly fading, but will eventually stopo hurting!! Said to keep wearing my uggs cos they are comfortable to wear but in this heat, it's rather warm. Back to my hippie days when we wore either no shoes at all (which I still do) or boots all the time!

Hope you are all still hale and hearty.
*stopo??* I lapse into pigeon english!
*or should that be pidgen* No doubt jno wil enlighten me! :0)
All very quiet today? I have just dodged in and out of the shower, nice man is putting second coat of preserver on the upstairs window frames so I ave to pick my moment. DH has gone to see fil. I ave the dentist this afternoon to sign off my healed socket where the implant failed.
Oh Neti, why are you breaking things??????
cos i rush around like a whirling dervish, can't do anything slowly!!! Have been sunbathing and it is so hot, belly is a lovely brown shade, legs white as snow!!!

Am catching up on Waking the Dead but have lost No 9 so am watching no.10!

Have booked cheap (190€!!!) Easyjet return flight to England for Sept. I love the cooler wether then and the winter fashions. Have booked speedy boarding and luggage!
Good afternoon Biddies. I tend to break things too Neti. Just clumsy I think and like you I rush around a bit (well not so much these days, 'cos I hobble).

Mr LL worked from home this morning in the glory hole so I couldn't pop in and say hello.

Am now about to go out and visit the nice lady and the dog I did the home check for a month age. She phoned me up and asked if I would like to go for a cuppa and meet him. Sounds good to me.

See you later.
Hi folks
Dull and dreary here .
I have the miseries and my phone is dead .Virgin Media are hopeless .
Mr S can't remember his password for the account and my patience is wearing thin with people in call centres in Timbuktu.
I keep telling him to register for a new password but he just throws his hands up in the air , curses and stomps around .
What with one thing and another I'm going slightly mad and am about to have my nineteenth nervous breakdown :)
Hope you are all fair to middling and any ailments not giving you too much trouble .
T.pip for now xx
Shaney get Mr S to tell Virgin that you are allowed to deal with them on his behalf. DH and I do this with quite a few services which means I can get on and do stuff.
I am a little spaced. I got up at 04.30 this morning and haven't been back to sleep. The dogs have had a lovely exciting day barking at our house painter man who they know and love and altogether its all been a bit much.....back tomorrow.....
I've gone through mega money on my mobile trying to get it sorted. They are now sending someone on Tuesday .Tuesday !!! I'm really, really annoyed .
So ...I popped down the road and bought some inkahol .
Why do they have to shout " alcohol" out loud round the shop so that everyone looks at you as if you're bag lady .
I give up . I'm gonna dye my hair pink and get a tattoo :)
Hello Everybiddy. Shaney I'm with Virgin and I always threaten to leave them and they usually come round. I once said I was looking for a cheaper deal for Broadband and said I could get it cheaper elsewhere and they soon sorted it out for me.
I'm Sorry you're not feeling up to things at the mo. I want to sit down then when I do I have to stand up or just ledge somewhere. :~(

HI Neti Lottie and Woofy hope you're ok under all your individual circumstances.
I've had a bitting and bobbing day finishing odd things off I ought to do. There's one thing I don't know how to sort. I have about 25 plastic charity bags which I have collected over the months and don't know what to do with them. I haven't got enough junk to fill them with. Any suggestions.
I really am hungry now so I'm off. Have a good night all.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Evening folks,

Poor shaney, wouldn't it easier to nip to a shop and get a payg for £20 phone included! Ok nip is maybe not the right word. I take it you mean your landline is dead. Mind you the one in my kitchen doesn't ring, so all unwangted calls are not screened by me when I am washi8ng up and poor Mr N gets dragged iinto work he really doesn't want or need, he can't say no to anyone except me! I just asked if he would pay for a new casserole saucepand for the oven as mine was my mothers and at least 25yrs old and all burnt and stained, so he paraded round the kitchen (well you can't actually parade in mine it's too bijou) pointing out saucepans for the hob which I have bought and then my precious precious cookers and suggested taking the handle of and using them, I was furious with him, tight old git, but we will get one, watch this space. He doesn't as yet know that I have spent 180€ of his money on a return flight to England in Sept!!!

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