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Vine Weevil Treatments

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agardener | 13:41 Sat 12th May 2018 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
Gardeners, your opinions please. I now realise I have the little devils in my planters. Before I spend a fortune, can you please give me your opinions on the effectiveness of vine weevil treatments on the market, chemical or bio. Yes I can take some of the plants out of the planters but some are just too big.


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Hope some of the info here is of some help.
Only ever come across Weevils on a Ship in South Africa.
We had to evacuate whilst fumigating whole Ship. (Accommodation and Cargo holds !!!
We have had excellent results using vine weevil nematodes (marketed as Nemasys) when applied in spring (or autumn) to containers - and the great thing is that they are completely harmless...unless you're a vine weevil.

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