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Pete Duel

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lindapinda | 02:04 Tue 28th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
215 Answers
Anybody else here a Pete Duel fan?Do you still find that every time you see a repeat of Alias Smith and Jones,you just think he had that special something that sets him apart from any other actor?


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Catwoman,am so annoyed with what happened with artful still!! Your woman who started that occurrence,is now back again,taking over cb,like she did before,when artful commented on her,and was rewarded with a four letter response!! She has changed her name,but proved who she was by quoting what she had said to artful!! Lou made a comment about her,and she got stuck into her too.Am really upset about this,hope you understand?
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Dot,if you get here,need to talk,but dont have private facility. Am worried about Lou,think she,s been a bit scared off by a certain person.I won't have access to a night for the next week.Maybe I,m being paranoid,but will you let her know,I said hello,and see her soon.Thanks dot.
Phew found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thought it had gone, it was in my subscribed threads list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi lindapinda, I have noticed that the person in question has changed her AB name and seems to have alot to say about nothing! Infact she is so full of self importance by the threads, I dont answer alot of threads on CB, I get bored with the lot of dribble which is posted, plus the arguements which go on in there, I tend to stick to Animals and Nature and Body and Soul.

I did spend alot of time the other night looking for that thread which Lou got a blasting on but either missed it or it has been pulled! After looking back 15 pages my eye's gave up and I admitted defeat.  If I was Lou I would still post I wouldn't let a cyber moo chase me away from chatting!  xxx :-) 

Oh my god this is all making everything clearer, I didn't read the posts above here when I posted last night (just before that film thread from cliffsdoll!) got so over excited posting answers I spammed myself!  (This is Dot by the way Linda and catwoman!) I cannot believe the history of this person! I have been thinking it was just me and a few others that had a beef with them, but it seems she is notorious for being like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi dot and catwoman!! T.g. you have both found this!! I have been going silently mad about HER,with no one else to rant at about her!! Our comp.has crashed as well,and had to go to library here. She is just sooo obsessed with herself,and if anyone dare say anything,THE TREATMENT starts. It,s like being bullied at school.Haven't checked last night's postings yet,but Lou had posted the previous night I was so relieved to see. As I said before,once I realised who she was,I was just waiting for someone to come into the firing line,and so annoyed it was another one of my mates onhere,and someone as lovely as our Lou.I like your style with her Dot,you're good!! Keep it up!!
hehe, I will linda!!!!!!!!!!
hehe me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is odd
Oh no it's ok, I got one of my ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna get Wheat and the boys and we'll start this really long poker game..........she likes poker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehe-me three

still can't post as me though
P.S. Anyone getting back here please post so that we know you have found it........Estie, Med ?

I'm Here, dotty.

And I am dismayed to have found out that this is not a new pattern of behaviour for this individual. What can we do?

Hi Everyone, I cant believe the amount of posts this person put's out, nearly every other one is her with some thing to say or a link on it, she seems to have some regular follower's, weather they like her or not that is the question.  It might be the case of keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer! whatever is going on it seems to me she acting like queen bee in there and heaven help anyone who doesn't bow down to her. Maybe a little pop at a thraed of her's might ruffle her wing's, we will soon find out who's who in favour of her, who's going first?  xxx  :-)
Hi lindapinda, jut had a look through lastnights CB, I'm impressed!..... Dot you were a trooper on that Guess the song thread at the end I was cheering, Yes!  Hi linda , Lou has posted we will look after her, bless her, she still hasn't found this thread yet ( lou that is ) how are we going to direct her to it without being discovered?  :-)

WE can't mention Pete Duel because that is the easy way to find it but if we can getan e mail to her we can say it then, i will try.

Hey, I hope Pete isn't offended by this skullduggery!

Hi John
Hiya, can i join in?, i did tell her to F Off back to whatever swamp she crawled out of.:O)
You are our hero John!!!!!!!!!!

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