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Another One Leaves

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Fusion5 | 14:58 Sun 18th Jan 2015 | Film, Media & TV
58 Answers
Alexander O'Neil has walked out of CBB . What a shambles this years programme is.


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Really ?? Is Perez still there ?

Oh Gosh! what happened, why,
is there a link, do we really care?

Ah, I see,

///The US star had been given a formal warning by producers on Saturday for using homophobic language aimed at celebrity blogger Perez Hilton.///
Channel 5 will lose a fortune if it's another 'free' ejection!
Too many dominant bitchy females and the few men left are weak, the worst CBB so far.
What a shambles this years programme is.
THIS years?!
Not watched it yet........cheers for the spoiler 'alert'!
He didn't want to be up on a murder charge.
I don't know how any of the them can bear living in that house any more. The spitefulness is making it quite uncomfortable to even watch.
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Katie Hopkins is a vile bully. Why she is not being pulled up with her bullying behaviour and threatening behaviour against Perez is a mystery.

The whole programme needs pulling off.

Just turn over if you don't like it.
normally I don't really watch much of CBB, but this group of celebs ? are crazy. everyone of them would sell their soul to the devil to win ,
What is "CBB"?
Celebrity Big Brother
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Well Talbot I did turn over.
Thanks, -talbot-.
Well that's it then.

I will bear with it to see what Katie Price brings to the house although it seems to still be the Perez Hilton AND Katie Hopkins show at the moment!

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Another One Leaves

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