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Dance Dance Dance

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elliemay1 | 19:40 Sun 08th Jan 2017 | Film, Media & TV
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No I watched Dancing With The Stars Ireland very entertaining
oh Andy I'm from the souff I find that remark orrible whats wrong with our way of talking .where are you from x
mallyh - Apologies if I gave offence - certainly none intended.

I am from Stoke-on-Trent, which does not have the most attractive local accent by any means - although for some reason I do not have it, I have no idea why not. My accent is sufficiently neutral that people rarely guess where I live from the sound of my speech.

I do enjoy a lot of accents - I don't mind Estuary English especially, it's just the 'posh' south accent that I find grates a little, but it really is not a big deal.
I was only joshing ,don't take things so seriously xx
mallyh - thanks for that.

As is often the case, humour - especially irony - is difficult to convey successfully in print, so I always err on the side of caution, and am happy to be advised that no harm has been done.
Didn't really like it as all those dances seem the same to me, BUT the accents did not put me off at all ....

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