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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
1003 Answers
Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
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Just nipping in on my laptop as hija is eating her lunch! Had a man up to see desktop but it's a got to the shop job! Damn, so we'll be without it for a while with all these damned fiestas!! Nearly finished xmas shopping for posting, will do all that on Sat, and the cards which are over a £1 each to post grrr and double grrr! I have cut back right back on the cards this year.
the poppy and the ivy now both are full well grown tralala
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Well bgr me. desktop has just started working again of it's own accord! Hija well happy me too!!
I dont think l I'll risk changing mine...might end up as a jellyneti (runs off giggling)
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<<<<< slaps ole woofy >>>>> nought wrong wi being a jellyneti!! I am staying as my xmas cat!

Bought sprouts today and have peeled and blanched them as never know when there are more on the island. Have roast lamb tonight so we'll have sprouts, bacon and nuts as a dish, plus roast tatties, mashed tatties, peas and carrots.

Hija made a lovely meal last night and a burnt sponge which I absolutely loved, as I love a bit of burnt!! Fingers crossed for internet to keep going!
"I am staying as my xmas cat!"
but jellineti, you've never been a xmas cat..

wibble wobble, wibble wobble, jelly on a plate.... > > > > >
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<<<<< stamps foot very very loudly >>>>> I AM AN XMAS CAT, i CAN SEE IT! you on the other hand are still an field with a bridge.
Hello jellies and poppies ,
Hope you are all well ...been to my brothers all afternoon scoffing cream cakes ,drinking coffee and helping the level go down on his whisky bottle as my SiL was 78 today.. Nice to see my nieces,and some of the greats .Had a good old chinwag ..Lovely afternoon with my family .

My brother sprang me a bloomin'worry though .He's got to go to Papworth on Monday where they will inject dye into his heart to see if they can get to the bottom of this atrial fibrillation that he suffers from .He wasn't going to tell me but it slipped out .
Very strange carry on though .Nothing to eat for 24 hours but shortly before the procedure he's got to eat something very fatty .

I do hope your colleagues wife will be Ok Jno .

Otherwise nothing doing here ..very cold and also blowing a hooley .
Take care dear folks ..have a nice evening .
well I've just removed the bridge and poppy from gravatar so I'll probably be a jellybaby some time soon.

I hope your brother's tests go well shaney. I assume fatty food puts a strain on your circulation and they want to see how his body copes. I can hardly swallow a few rice krispies if I have a hospital appointment. Try not to worry.
We had afternoon tea at Lime Wood today....bit expensive but really really wonderful, big comfy settee, open fire, sandwiches, scones with cream and jam and teeny cream cakes and as much tea or coffee as you like. Lovely attentive staff well worth it. I had to pass on the optional glass of champagne as I was driving and Sis is allergic to alcohol, really allergic not messing.
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Sounds wonderful woofy, wish I'd been there.

Roast dinner was excellent, but blimey what a mess, and Mr N was trying to help, but my kitchen is so small, he just got in the way. I finally cleared it all away and all is nice and tidy and clean now, me also,so a night in front of the telly for me, with the fire glowing. Hija out and Mr N abed!
mr N is Ab Editor, wonders will never cease.
well, bum, I wrote that as a joke, ABEd
Hi all,

Feeling much more comfortable as I took jno's advice to have a relaxing day. Mr LL at home for most of the day as well.

Shaney, Mr LL had that procedure. He had to take a cheese or egg sandwich to the hospital with him to eat. It is nothing to particularly worry about, it is just to see in detail how the heart is working under various stresses. The idea of eating fat is that it masks the other organs so that they can more clearly see the heart (I just asked him to explain so I could tell you). The testing does put you under a bit of a strain but the staff are very helpful and they don't let you suffer.

It is quite a routine procedure. They inject you with radioactive dye and tell you to stay away from children under 16 for the rest of the day.

Don't worry!!!
(He had this done at Norfolk and Norwich about a year ago)
Sending my best wishes out to your colleague's wife jno. My friend is undergoing intensive chemo at the moment, once a month for six months she is being given massive doses, with the hope that the outcome will be a remission of about 5 years. She is one very brave, upbeat lady who never moans about it and is planning an Australian trip in the spring to visit her son at the moment.

Woofy, so glad you enjoyed your afternoon tea. Sounds just wonderful.

Neti your problems with all your 'modern technology' make me laugh!! (says she, who forgets to take her mobile out with her and sometimes doesn't remember she has one for days and when she does remember the battery is flat!!)
Thanks for that Lofty ..I do wonder why though ,they are sending him to Papworth instead of the N&N .It's a long drive too.
Picky offered but his son in law has said he would take him now so that's OK .
He's pushing 78 now and it does worry me .All my brothers have dicky tickers :(
Shaney this explains it better and tells you that eating fatty food just helps them to get a better picture of your heart.
Shaney, my neighbour was referred to Papworth and complained to her GP who got it changed to Norfolk and Norwich. Ridiculous. Norfolk and Norwich now have the same facilities as Papworth.
Hi All. Hope your brother goes on alright Shaney and Jno your friends wife. There's always something isn't there.
I'm pleased you've had a relaxing day too Lottie.
Neti you're still a jellyneti to me too. Sorry. I wonder why it doesn't work.

I didn't go clothes shopping after all. After I did my Tree I went to Sains and got things I'd forgotten then I went to see my friend I used to work with who is in a home. It upsets me so much to see her. She is in her early 60s and has vascular dementia and needs full time care. I always cry when I've been. We used to have such fun at work (not Sainsburys) and now she is lying in bed and can't speak or communicate and I really have no idea if she knows me or not. I talk to her and hope she does. So Sad....
I'm so lucky.

Anyway after I got home I settled to having the Snooker on in the background and wrapped all my presents.
I'm now so tired i think I'll hop it up the apples!
Have a goodnight all my Biddyfriends everywhere. Sleep tight.

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