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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
1003 Answers
Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
Ha, ha to jno's joke!!
Morning all
Bright and sunny here but very cold .
Glad you feel better Lofty
Nothing much doing here .
Dull days before Christmas as my Mum used to say ...
see you later .
Dull days now until January and the first aconites. Would like to hibernate now until then!!

Am meeting friend at lunchtime for a chat, then Morrisons and the pet food place.

Shaney I have bought a jumper from M&S and I have a feeling you mentioned said jumper. Purple with loops and buttons!! It's very nice.
Lol jno, did she get the job? Have just been out shopping and for coffee with sis. We have some stuff to put out fr the large refuse collation truck then massive lolling for the rest of the day.
a'noon all...

It was horrible here earlier but I managed to nip out during a bright interlude...this isn't turning out to be the jolly December I was hoping for, had some even sadder news yesterday.

ha, very good jno ...are you sure the last one was blonde and not a blue rinsed cherub? And if 'her ladyship' leaves can I come and live there please?...I'll water the geraniums and remove all deceased livestock before you've had your first pomegranate juice of the day.
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Out of 3 computers and 3 android phones, only my lappy and my Galaxy are working so fighting the hija for my things!!!! For some reason the desktop won't connect to the internet, I'll get Mr N to check the connections at the back, I daren't as I haven't a clue and can't see!!!
Yes that was the jumper I bought from per Una Lofty..this one .Really nice .

I've got a ham hock sozzling in the slow cooker for pea soup,wrapped some parcels ,put laundry away and hoovered round and am feeling very virtuous.
It's turned dull now and freezing cold .Time for a winter warmer I think :)

Sad news always seems to come round Christmas time Robinia :(
heck neti.... way too much techno at your house

Oh that's a lovely jumper shaney! I love purple but I look awful in it.
That's the very jumper Shaney. What good taste we have! It didn't dawn when I ordered it, just when I undid the parcel today. It is so nice and very soft. I also received the leggings I ordered. They look a bit different but very nice and fit well.


They have that grey waffled effect down the side of the leg which narrows down towards the ankles. Sounds dreadful, but quite nice and quite slimming too.

(ssssshhhhh There were also four pairs of socks in the parcel just for me)
Evenin All. That's me sorted for tomorrow then. My trip to M & S - here I come. Trousers and tops session. I've done my actual present buyiny the rest is money and cheques to [ut in envelopes. So tomorrow I'm really going to just shop for myself.
I was going to see my old Aunt and Uncle tomorrow but went this afternoon instead so I'm freeee with nothing planned now. I might even go into Wetherpoons for my lunch.
Hope you sore leg gets really better soon Lottie. I've slipped over on a rug on my laminate kitchen floor. Not very good is it.
Off to watch Countdown on 4oD now. Later 'gater(s)
Hi Jude. I didn't realise how much my back and hip (and leg) hurt still until I went out today. I had to walk really slowly and limped around the town. I have just pulled the muscle again.

Enjoy your shopping tomorrow.
Hello all and a hug for Robi. Lottie I hope you feel better soon. We went out and pottered today. It's coo old here but dry which is a bonus.
oh dear, Lottie, reminds me of the oyster who went to the fishes' ball and pulled a mussel. Do try to relax as much as you can. Looking woebegone may help inspire sympathy domestically.
I am a heroine! Its blowing a hooley here and the rain is horizontal and I still took the dogs out. Have a good day all.
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Good morning all. Hugs all round to those who need it. Still no internet connection on desktop and Mr N has checked all the cables, grrrr.

Off to do a bit more xmas shopping as it;s another fiesta tomorrow.
Good morning all. I was all for going shopping today wasn't I well I'm thinking now about whether to do my Christmas tree today and go shopping tomorrow. Let you know later what I've decided to do!!
Hope you feel 'easier' today Lottie. Take it easy.
Great walk Woofy, you are a heroine. I love that expression 'blowing a Hooley' I've never heard it before you said it. I don't mind what the weather is like when I'm walking not since I bought my new waterproof Berghaus. In fact I'm becoming a bit of a drudge, as I wear jeans and that jacket most of the time. I have that many pairs of jeans you wouldn't believe. I really ought go shopping shouldn't I....mmmmm.
I hope you all are have an easygoing painfree day.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning all..Hope everyone's aches 'n pains are minimal...very wild, windy and probably soon to be wet's orrible. I won't be going out in it so I might try and get most of my cards done.

I wish I had lots of jeans, I can never find a decent fit so when I do I just wear them to death. I want some narrow enough to tuck into my boots (but not so tight that I look like Max Wall)...I paid an arm and 2 legs for the boots, I'm boogered if I'm going to hide them under bootcut jeans.

Must go and attack the messy kitchen I was too tired to tidy last night. I used to think leaving pots overnight was a hanging offence but now I don't give a ....
it's mild and sunny here though the BBC predicts rain for 9am; it takes some gall to keep a predeiction on your website long after it proves to be wrong.

Went to a leaving do for a former colleague last night - the company's trying to shed staff, and offering them big money to go, and as his wife has been disagnosed with breast cancer and is looking forward to a miserable winter of chemo, he took the money so he can be free to be by her side. Plus he's a very good photographer, so he won't be idle. I hope all goes well for them both. The do was full of happy people and gloomy people; the happy ones were the ones who'd already retired. I've only just realised it was more than three years ago for me.
Robi go and have a logo at marks jeggings and treggings. They are quite narrow but not skin tight and not expensive.
I think the whole world's avoiding the weather and shopping on tinter today, my connection is so slow. I'll have a look at the leg/treg/peggings later when they're all spent up... thanks woofy.

Hope your colleague's wife does well with the chemo jno... over the winter is probably best, that way she won't feel she's missing the (hopefully) better weather if she's feeling rough.

<<<...oh well, looks like the poppy's the new poinsettia this xmas then...

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