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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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I see we're back back on food again. I've had salmon runner beans from Cousin peas pots and cheese cheese sauce home made of course.
I only came back to tell you my school anthem was No Nobis Domine, the next lines were Not unto us O Lord, the praise and glory be of every deed and word. Bet you're glad I can't remember the rest :~) I'm off apples are calling me....
Evening, class. It's been a maybe-it-isn't-autumn-just-yet kind of day here but the park has gone very quiet, I miss the gentle humming of voices through my open window that I associate with summer since they turned my park into an outdoors cafe. ... he he... thanks for explaining about top plates Woofy, I am now envisioning Shaney's teacher hammering away at the piano ha ha ha. My old friend I met up with the other day, I told her about my bad fall on the ice and the weeks of agony that followed thanks to the idiot doctor and she told me about her clamper experience on a stone floor last winter. She was angrily storming into the post office (she had a bone to pick with them) and immediately upon entering she too skidded across the vast floor just like that top plate, on her @ss and into the counter. From where she got up and addressed the [clerk?] in front of her only to be informed that this wasn't the post office. Stormed out again, now angry that they weren't the post office! You just can't win can you, if the ice doesn't get you your clampers will.

I must I must / Improve my bust

PS Woofy I think you missed my pumpkin question, I said thanks for telling me how to treat them:) but what does blitz mean, is it to put a hand-blender to them?
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Hmmmmph, New 111 service to replace NHS direct as you say Robie, apparently less qualified nurses to be employed and more trained called centre staff. Great!! Even more reason to phone 999 if you are really unwell, and past experience has taught me that's the only way to go (confirmed to me by the paramedics that called round as well).

Fortunately our new health centre, just started and hopefully finished at the end of next year is to have an out of hours centre which will be like an A&E unit of a hospital -and it's a mere 5 minutes drive away.

I feel better now, paracetamol have taken the edge off the aches and pains. I suppose I ought to take them more often, but don't like too.

I have remembered our School Hymn

"Praise my Soul the king of heaven"

Always makes me laugh because when my Mum was little she used to think one line

Praise him for his greasy fivers..................

(Praise him for his grace and favours!)

Dinner all prepared and ready to go in oven. Mr LL has gone missing - a usual trick of his!!!
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Jude, I usually do use note pad for long winded posts, but the one I lost didn't start out to be long winded, but I whittled on somewhat!! ;o)
I know what you mean Lottie. I go on a bit too I've noticed.
Apples all done except to go in the freezer. Done me ironing as well. Don't know what's come over me,
Don't know, as well. what's with the Beegees Every time I turn the radio on they're on. Paul Gamboccini is playing 'the best of' now!
Talking about radios I've had my Dad's Dab radio for 3 years now and have today just learned how to adjust it properly. Even to get the time and date on. I've had the instructions since then and today I read them all the way through for the first time.
It sounds really good now.
Going to watch I've got a bit more News for You at 9. I know it's a repeat but they make me laugh
Hope you all have a good night and that the sun shines on you tomorrow. Really and metaphorically xx

P>S Hiya Kit Had a good laugh at the links you put on...
...for inThy judgement lies
To crown or bring to naught
All knowledge and device that man has reached or wrought

(tum te tum)

Anybody remember "Lord behold/dismiss us with they blessing"

Yes Kit blitz is to puree with a food processor or stick blender

we had a school song as well, it was pretty dire.

lights out all and no giggling
Lights out?! Woofy we're not getting up with you at 4a.m. just so you know! A 'stick blender', what a practical device for Domestic Science class, we just lower Stikk Woman down into a blender cup and tell her to run like hell ha ha ha. (Honestly it's hopeless for me to always be sure which terms are American and which are British and which are both, but you will all tell me if you have no idea what I'm saying, won't you - I hope so.) Thanks Woofy. Hope your nose is healing.

Hi Jude, I "awwed" at your cousin, what a guy, up and down that ladder at his age, it made me happy - and nervous=:0

Lots of candypants on the internet Vinny but if you were to taste the dal I made tonight these would serve you better (blurry but it's a Wunderbaum he he he.) So far my place smells good from the dried chili flakes I roasted in a frying pan, such a warm, friendly smell, I love it.
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When I was at school we were meant to get permisssion from the head teacher to go out at the weekend. A letter had to be written by our parents to get such permission. Did we bother, no we did not. Prefects were posted around the town, in front of cinemas, etc. We were also not allowed in department stores, coffee bars, etc. whilst wearing school uniform and it was forbidden to talk to men!! To be seen in the town after 6.00pm. on any day of the week meant trouble!! The day girls were meant to adhere to the same rules as the poor boarders.

We got up to all sorts of no good, crawling out under the school fences at lunchtime, etc.

To many rules are not a good thing. Rules are meant to be broken!!

Are you surprise we all rebelled!!
Two swede soups?..... <cackle>

so spooky you were on the photography thread in suggs Kit because I've spent hrs looking at just that very thing. I found one of my cousins (last seen a few yrs ago) on fizbook & he takes some amazing pics, I must get in touch he's not a million miles away. He's a bit of a hippy, into nature & crystals man.
Have a squint at sime of these!
Wow he's quite a poet, your cousin.
Early to bed and early to rise Kit!! mind you it doesn't say anything about going back to bed at 06.30 lol
laters all
absolutely gorgeous photos there - I suspect he's got quite a sophisticated camera (though knowing how to use it and how to spot a good shot are also important).

Had a very nice time at the BBQ with former work colleagues, though rain came over in the evening and it suddenly got very chilly; fortunately our hostess has a sort of conservatory-type room so we just move dindoors. She was gently teased for holding a BBQ at all as it is Ramadan and she's a Muslim, but despite what you hear in the News section not all Muslims spend their time starving themselves while planning to blow up westerners.

One guy, there. Tony, was reminiscing about the old days of the Smoking Room. We'd just moved into no-smoking offices, but they had one smoking room on each floor for the addicts. It was dreadful to go in there, you could hardly see the other side of the room and it stank to high heaven. Anyway, Tony was a non-smoker but he had to go in because he needed to speak to someone in there. He had some snorkelling gear with him because he was lending it to someone, so he put on the mask and snorkel, and flippers too, and flapped his way into the room, where Annie was suitably irritated to see him... anyway, mission accomplished, so he flapped his way out again... only to bump into the big boss and the defence secretary of the day, I think it may have been Michael Portillo, who was being shown around the building...

Nothing was said, in true English fashion, but Tony still seems a little embarrassed by the whole thing.
Morning all. Lottie your post reminds me that when we were in school uniform we were not allowed to take of our berets in public, eat anything (not even ice cream) and we had to behave in a fitting manner. Were not allowed to be loud or silly, and never to hang around with boys (err, I had 4 brothers!) and never to chew gum!!!
Morning, Cold & bl00dy miz here again.

jno he's used a Canon EOS 350D if that means anything to you. (lol @ the story)

Speaking of not going to school can we go on a field trip or school holiday please, I'm starting to get phobic? I have nightmares about having to go back or live in my old house...It's not that either were that horrendous, I think it's a fear of returning to how things were. (Tarquin's back from his travels to I haven't even got a virtual trip to follow anymore).
Never to hang around with boys neti??!! I'd never have gone to school.
We had separate playgrounds , although we sneaked to the bottom where there was an adjoining path (back of the gym) my! we were playing with fire!!! Even the dinners were held separately (well lunches really). Sex education revolved around chickens and frogs (except my Biology lesson and that was rabbits) It's amazing that any of us ever settled down and had children. Had to work that one out for ourselves.

My school, although this is a more up-to-date photo. It's sort of an arty craft place now!
yup Neti, Hats and gloves, grey velour in winter, panama in summer, grey gloves in winter, white in summer. I have probably told you that quite a few years ago now, DH and I went to a Royal Garden Party hosted by the Crown Estate for their tenants. The tenants are all kinds of people so the dress code was smart and the Queen were the only two ladies there wearing gloves!
And yes, no eating in public, not even a cough sweet.
We ate lunch at circular tables and were supposed to practise table manners and polite conversation. The food was dreadful and there was a sit till you finish rule so we used to carry plastic bags in our pockets to scoop the worst stuff into and dispose of later. I still cannot eat cabbage or sprouts in any way shape or form.
Its been fun here remembering school. My big sis (the angel) went to her 50th anniversary reunion last week. All three of us went to the same school. The local sec. mod was a complete sink even then, bullying, knife carrying, you name it so passing the 11+ and getting to grammar school was a big deal.
I think we had 8 different streams per year and the very rough were right in the lower classes and kept out of our sight, I think we mostly had different playtimes aswell. And looking back there were some common types, but nothing too bad springs to mind. We had Clive Francis, the son of Raymond Francis of No Hiding Place, and little lolita who had won a beauty contest til they found she was underage. She had flowing blonde hair and couldn't run to save her life!!
Last week the headmistress of one private school defended the costume: "There is no reason for a girl to be a girl until she leaves school. That's quite early enough." A buyer for Daniel Neal, largest English supplier of children's uniforms, presented a different defense: "The British schoolgirl just doesn't have the sort of figure one ought to draw attention to. Her poor little tum bulging with rice pudding, you know, and no foundation garments to take care of her seat. More often than not she is covered with a thick layer of puppy fat, and we think it more tactful to keep most of her well covered up."

British Vogue Editor Audrey Withers complained that the uniforms give British girls scant chance to "blossom into pretty, well-dressed young women." Recently one girls' school decided that a modest blossoming might not bring on moral blight: Headmistress Eileen Evans of Bedfordshire's Luton High School announced that her sixth-formers (mostly 17-year-olds) could chuck their uniforms, put on regular dresses, nylons and makeup —but no jewelry. Encouraged by this move, one clothier last week invited headmistresses to a showing of remodeled uniforms, including gym slips with "a hint of fashion line."

But the British gym slip clings fast, although it reveals nothing. The frosty comment of a spokeswoman for Brighton's Roedean School: "We have absolutely no intention of modifying our uniform." During the week, well-blossomed (35-24-36) Suzanne Cripps, 12, was asked to leave St. Helena's school for girls in Eastbourne. Reason: With her mother's consent, and after school hours, she got herself up in shorts and a halter, was photographed by newsmen. Her headmistress looked at the results, decided she was "much too precocious."

Have just googled her and this is the result:
I think we had 8 different streams per year and the very rough were right in the lower classes and kept out of our sight, I think we mostly had different playtimes aswell. And looking back there were some common types, but nothing too bad springs to mind. We had Clive Francis, the son of Raymond Francis of No Hiding Place, and little lolita who had won a beauty contest til they found she was underage. She had flowing blonde hair and couldn't run to save her life!!
Ooops double posting there. I didn't want to copy and paste all that runnish about gym slips but it happened. Read the end bit about Suzanne.

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