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Waterloo Road

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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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psst any body seen wacky baccys gone fer a walk>>>(:O)
I think you'll find that your Becks is missing too Vinny
yep I know kip...she's only sharing it with her bro now..he was climbing trees after he had a puff..hehe.!must hit the sack...nighty night kip.
Nitie nite Vinny
These socks are knitted on two needles Kit :))
I think it's time for me to go to bed .

Robinias got it tucked up her knicker leg Vinny :))

Nite all .Sleep tight .

Nite all .sleep tight .
Hm. But then you would have to sew a seam and you've said that you don't do seams. Hm. Oh well, I'll see, eventually:) Nite all, I'm logging out too.
creeps into the dorm, hurls wet sponges at sleeping biddies and runs out again giggling.

wonders why jude is still snoring and why her bed is so lumpy...creeps nearer...sees empty lager cans....and her a prefect too!!
Who made jude a prefect? 'snot fair!

I cannot believe that your weather is so bad, we are not that far away from you and it's boiling hot and sunny here. Have to do the airport run this am, getting daughter's friend back to Barca and daughter to work. I hate it, the roads are so busy. Wish I had never learnt to drive.

Be back soon.

Am just playing in the playground until the others arrive.
sun is shining here but warm it is not. Childhood friends are coming to stay a few days so I may not be around so much, so you must prepare yourselves for the deprivation.... well, Jude has already started, of course. come me face is wet?right...fetches me worms I caught and puts one in each bed...hehe..!
big ears me.(:O)
its gonna be sunny all week...yippee..!
Mornin...<<<slam!!>>>...oops sorry Miss, it's windy intit?

I've brought a note

The only exercise I'll be doing today is this

Oh goodo, Vinny brought his dansette in...lovely, Maggie May, one of my favourites...turn it over Vin! S'ok I'll do it...
Back from airport, that's enough exercise for me for a whole month. Had to pass a big hypermarket and couldn't resist popping in for a few esstentials, on c/card, he'll kill me!! Well weather now has turned cloudy ut still very sticky,

Robi what's tuffache??
neti don't you listen?'s yokel for toothache, Vinny's said it enough times...tut...
Miss! make neti do detention every night this week!
Well I am edicated an it's should be toof ake! so there, ya boo sux!!
Nah, I gave miss an apple, so she'll not detain me!!!!
Have just bought loads and loads of big white pegs, so no more picking and choosing, Oh happy days!!

Made a bit of a boo boo in the shop, there was a gay guy in front of me and another sort of loitering in different areas and as there were 2 cash desks I didn't want to jump the queue so asked if they were together. They then proceeded to tell me about where and when they fell in love etc etc, so rather red-faced I explained that I didn't mean that at all and only wanted to know they were in the queue together. Still I now have more gay friends!!! shall stick to the cheaper shops in future, they never go there!!
Well she'll detain you when she finds the grub in it neti...
ahhh, send them over here I like hearing people's romantic tales (but definitely NOT the kind of private cringeworthy details that they post in cb). Years ago I got talking to a lovely sweet old lady who used to pass my house, she was about 4' 10' with stikky little legs in baggy tights and wore very mismatched clothes with a cardigan that was always buttoned right up to the neck. One day she told me she'd eloped to Gretna with her boyfriend in her teens as her parent's disapproved of him & they'd stayed happily together all their lives. You never can tell can you?
Amazing, but there you go Robi, our children don't think we were ever young or foolish! If only they knew!!!
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Hello Kids. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend relaxing and will be all bright and early tomorrow morning for lessons. Swimming in the school pool first at 6.30am. Unheated of course.

We had a school swimming pool at the school I attended in Wimbledon. It was outdoors, unheated and right over the other side of the playing fields with the train line raised up on a bank behind it. Swimming for all the summer term. I hated it. It was freezing, freezing, freezing, and of course the games teacher never got in!!

Well, I am smothered in Pledge and have just decided why commandos and SAS use it. They don't need weapons or fighting skills - the eney flees!!

Seriously though, the smell does fade off and it does make skin feel nice. Am off into the garden this afternoon after lunch, so will see if it keeps the little critters away.


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