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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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Over here we call grockles - girries, so they don't know they are beingt talked about!

Well jude, you can come over here and channel out the top of my wall and then you can clip all the loose wires. Fon't want Mr N reading this, he'll have me up a ladder quick as a wink!

Morning all!!
Oh and another thing, Rafa Nadal all the way, he is such a nice person, and I don't care if Robi doesn't like the way he pulls his pants out of his (ahem) bottom!!!!!
Morning.. Thanks for that mental image neti.
We had some rain in the night but not enough to do any good. It looks like autumn here, the long dry spell's made the trees shed some leaves.

That's a lovely article jno, I can relate to it all. 'Trunk calls', lol, I'd forgotten that....and no, you couldn't call anyone if you'd missed the last bus home. Nor did you jump in a taxi, you walked...and walked...and all the while dreading the wrath of she who must be obeyed, haha. The only time you ever got in a taxi was if some relative had taken very ill and you only got to find out 'cos the one & only neighbour with a phone came to tell you there'd been a call. Usually that neighbour was someone like a fireman or their place of work had paid for their phone. We didn't rush off to A&E with every little ailment either. Right at the top of our long street we had a St John's ambulance senior officer & you often saw people with cuts & bruises hobbling off to 'Mr B's' house for help & advice, and he always gave it. Lovely patient man he was, everone knew him. Where are they now?
Eee by gum, I'll shurrup now, I'll be here all day & there's dust to shift.
our party line call signal was M, as I recall.
Morning all,

Just a quickie - can you all add to this thread to wish a little boy (about 6/7 I think) a buzz.

I'll be back later

bit early for the sherry lottie....oh well...I guess the weekend starts ere.!(throws boomerang at dolly the sheila>>>>>).they can stay at vinnies(St. Vincent De Paul's)when they visit you dolly..(:O)whoosh>>>>>>>>>
which thread, Lottie, this one? Any little boys around here will get more than a buzz, they'll be put swiftly to sleep.
Hi again (Morning jno and Vin!!) Well actually it's now afternoon.

I am bloomin' fed up with this land development issue which has now been going on for three years. The land is still not on the market due to the greed of one of the sellers grrrrrr. The whole process is opening my eyes in some respects. I have done all the ruddy work on this and others sit around and wan't something for nothing.

It's taken up virtually my whole week and it still isn't resolved. Have now told the party concerned that today is an ultimatum. I am pulling out at the end of the day if their is no compromise.

Absolutely no rain whatsoever and, yes Robi, it's looking more like early September now and my grass is disappearing again like last year.

I seem to spend my evenings with watering can and hose.

God, aren't I a moaner!!

Hi, got my new fone, a samsung touch screen, bl**dy difficult, don't know why I bother, I'll only sell it a couple of months down the line!!! They didn't have the LG after I spent all day learning "how to" on the internet!!
you are very brave Neti. My friend got one and after three weeks he was close to a nervous breakdown. I Just couldn't cope with one.
mobile phones, golly, how useful they sound, but I have never had one. My hearing is rubbish; the last thing I need is a machine that requires me to be able to listen to conversations while standing in the middle of Oxford St.
Vinny you have no sense of adventure ! the neighbours would think you were a chick magnet with all our lovely ladies staying at your place !St.Vinnies would welcome them all I'm sure .Haha.
There must be something in the water over here ,just found out we are expecting our 17th greatgrandchild in August-another girl I believe also we have 3 step-greatgrandchildren which makes 20 in all ! must be trying to populate Australia all by themselves !
Pleased to say not a one of them on the dole .
Change of subject weather getting colder ,down to 4C this morning and overcast all day but no rain for the garden, by the way Lottie I can't remember when we last watered the grass (it's not allowed ) but if it dies off it soon recovers when it does rain so I'd save my energy and more importantly the water if I was you .More fun things you can do like lying in the shade in the garden with a good book and a cup of tea !! Well time for bed so Goodnight from Oz xxxx
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Afternoon groaners and moaners and and grockles and mooners (that would be Nadal;-) Sorry to hear your summer is gone. It's gone to Sweden. Yesterday was fantastic, a bit cloudy but the sun still shining through, not too hot and stuffy. I was sitting at an outdoors cafe and lost all track of time, at one point I thought hours had gone by since last I looked at my watch and in fact ten minutes had passed. It was like a trance.

My hairdresser informed me that she will be moving in September and may not be able to see me, she was very secretive and wouldn't give any details yet. I need trauma therapy - she's the only one who understands my hair! I thought about all the armwaving biddies as I sat there having my hair cut; all my life hairdressers have been pointing out the slits in the cloak to me that you're supposed to put your hands through, cos I always keep my arms outside the cloak (so that I can wave them about!) I obey and pull my arms in and stick my hands through the slits but two minutes later as if by magic they're out again ha ha.

As I walked home again the huge M was being dismantled from off the McDonald's building and I hesitated to walk under the enormously high lifting crane. I've got a thing about things falling down that shouldn't fall down after the scaffolding collapsed just outside my window a few years back. I could see the headlines: Veggie Woman Dies From Falling M - ha ha ha ha, wouldn't that have been life's last irony. BTW do you have MAX Burgers (McDonald's competitors) where you live? They banned transfats before even I knew what transfats are.

Luther started yesterday, I forgot about it and missed the first twenty minutes but the remaing 40 was enough: I'm hooked. What did I miss, like, is he returning from having been suspended or something like that?
Hello chookies
Very hot here .40C on my Freddy the Frog .I like the hot weather but at long last it's decided it don't like me one bit and it's affecting my joints really badly .I don't where to put meself .
Good news at Shaneytowers though ..Mr S has an appointment to see the consultant on Tuesday so hopefully he can get sorted out and put my mind at rest .
Hope you are all coping in this heat .
Kit It's too hot to go into details :)..... but this will give the background
Bye for now ...
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Thanks Shaney but I'm afraid to look at that unless you first tell me there are no spoilers? /Good luck Mr S xx
Well yes some of it could be construed as spoilers .
At the very beginning he has caught a child killer .He's run this guy to ground in a sort of disused warehouse .Lots of steel girders and whatnot . The guy has fallen and is hanging on to a girder by his fingernails .Luther could rescue him and wheel him in but chooses not to .The guy falls and ends up in hospital in a coma . Luther has a breakdown .stress and hs failing marriage etc and they suspend him .When the girl kills her parents they bring him back .He's a loose cannon though .
That's all I'm telling you :)
You have to watch it pan out episode by episode .It's nail bitingly brilliant and Idris Elba is the best bit of eye candy to hit our screens since the lovely Gene Genie .
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*image googles Gene Genie and comes up with this* >>>>>>>>>>

Is the psycho woman who killed her parents somehow related to the child killer case? (In a way that we are supposed to know about at THIS stage, I mean - if we had seen the first 20 minutes.) Cos at the end of this first episode she was seen in the corridors of the hospital where he (I presume it was him) lay in a coma. Or is she just messing with Luther meddling in his business just generally. Be ever so greatful for your reply Shaney, I'm unhappy I missed the beginning.
Luther can't find any evidence to say that she killed her parents .That's why she's walked free.
She has nothing to do with the child killer at all .But ..she sets herself as a sort of avenger for Luther and insinuates herself into his life .The guy in the coma comes round ....but not for long :))
She's one pyscho lady ...:)

Tut..... how dare you mangle my Genie ...

That's better :)
Question Author
Only slightly. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thanks Shaney, 'preciate it!

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