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If Only I Could Have It Back.

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Khandro | 18:10 Fri 20th Dec 2013 | Motoring
76 Answers
Watching "The Great Train Robbery" last night I nearly cried to see Jim Broadbent's (DCS Tommy Butler's) car, It was exactly the car I had in the mid-sixties; a black 2.4 Mark 1 Jaguar, there were lots of shots inside too and it was a dead-ringer, all red leather and walnut with that gorgeous fascia for instruments, in fact I began to wonder if it wasn't mine. I couldn't quite see the steering wheel, mine had a feature unheard of today; 'overdrive', a short stalk under the steering wheel which when you flicked it as you were bowling along in top, it gave you an extra higher gear. If only I had it now.
Does anyone feel similarly nostalgic for a car they once owned?


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What was the luxury version of the Hillman Hunter called? I remember my mates dad having one and there were little 'hoods' which you could pull down over the indicator lamps on the dash to make them dimmer.
My Dad had a Mayflower, it was a beautiful black car with walnut dashboard and leather seats, that must have been in the early 60's.
Mk 1 Granada? You're nicked, son.
I had an AA patrol pedal car in the 60's.

God I miss it.
Humber Sceptre Zacs?
I had one - lent it to a colleague and never got it back......
Tony - I didn't take note being a girl! but I have a feeling it was 3l. It was amazing and everybody stopped to talk to him about the car - so knowing him it would have the most powerful and he often had additional spec. It was the only car he kept (found it in his garage after he died) but he had new cars all the time while he was there. I like cars but weird ones!
A few variants on the Hillman hunter shape,Zac, Singer gazelle was one ( posher than an Hillman ).

I remember those old Triumph Mayflowers, askyourgran.
I had a 67 reg 3.4 ltr MK2 Jaguar automatic, put your foot down and it went like excrement from a goose. In a later life I also had an MGB roadster, oh the stories that car could tell.
Humber scepter! Of course. Thanks. Lovely car. With overdrive I believe.
Yes Tony it was a Mk1. We later had the Mk2 and the Mk3, but the first one was my favourite.
Zacs - dont know this but I remember this too. Hillmans are Big cars inside +lots of horsepower. Someone will know.
Our family car was a Bedford van with slidy doors and no seat belts. We loved it and went flippin miles in it with the doors wide open, wind in our hair.
Sorted coke. Ta.
Yes horseshoes, the MK 1's were the best looking to imo.
I too had a Capri Mk2 2.0l S in flame orange with a black vinyl roof and black coach lines. It got nicked and stripped so I bought a crashed 3.0l Ghia and swapped the interior and wheels over.
I miss my 2.0l V4 Corsair E, that was a lovely drive but the one I will miss the most is the Jaguar XJ6 4.0S sat on my drive with terminal chassis rot (never buy a car from the seaside) which is going to the recyclers shortly - RIP. :-(
Ah yes shoota, that good old salt air does them a power of good !.
I remember the car we had when I was little @ 1959. A Ford V8 pilot. It had leather blinds!!! Awesome!
Ford Pilot, great old car with that flat head V8, horseshoes.

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