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If Only I Could Have It Back.

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Khandro | 18:10 Fri 20th Dec 2013 | Motoring
76 Answers
Watching "The Great Train Robbery" last night I nearly cried to see Jim Broadbent's (DCS Tommy Butler's) car, It was exactly the car I had in the mid-sixties; a black 2.4 Mark 1 Jaguar, there were lots of shots inside too and it was a dead-ringer, all red leather and walnut with that gorgeous fascia for instruments, in fact I began to wonder if it wasn't mine. I couldn't quite see the steering wheel, mine had a feature unheard of today; 'overdrive', a short stalk under the steering wheel which when you flicked it as you were bowling along in top, it gave you an extra higher gear. If only I had it now.
Does anyone feel similarly nostalgic for a car they once owned?


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My best car that I would love to have Again would be my V8 3.9 Range Rover Vogue, what a dream car!
What an engine that Jag 4.0 litre straight six is, wickedly quick but does about 2 gallons to the mile.....
I was only 5 but I can remember partial reg was JAD. My friend and I used to slide down the mudguards (if that's what they're called on a car)!
Yes they were mudguards on a Pilot, horseshoes. Did you stand on the running boards.
Used to have a Rover SD1 V8 great engine, rubbish body. Fast but not in the same way as a 3 litre Capri.
there used to be a place in the North East called Rent a Wreck. dont know if still going but you could hire cars like mentioned. But more for local driving!
LOL, bet you wouldn't want to trust a rent a wreck to go very far, Coke Tulip.
We used to slide down the mudguards and land on the running board and then fall off sideways. Wow, such long ago memories!
I loved my Vauxhall Viva. OK it needed a service every 4,500 miles but it was a service I could do myself in the front garden with a socket set and some feeler gauges. No need to plug it into a computer at great expense when a light comes on. Diagnostics done by an experienced ear. I had that Viva purring like a delighted kitten.
Well you could slide down the banister if it was raining, horseshoes.
Yes spikey, the good old days when you fix almost anything yourself on a car.
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....and see the road when you looked into the engine bay.
Yes shoota, and sometimes when you looked at the floor as well !.

I'm sure there are other places too but heh..your next birthday!!
£135 for a day.
Several years ago I read about a website that told you what happened to your previous cars. The article featured a guy who tracked down a Mini that he had owned years before. I have never heard anything about it since. Is the site still going?
Thanks Coke Tulip, not that far from me either.
It would be interesting to find out if all the old cars I owned went to the great scrap heap in the sky or, if some are still roaring round.
Same here, baza. Although I know that some of mine ended up in the great scrap yard in the sky c'us it was me that put them there.
same here tony, but not all, Ford Prefect sold on, Hillman Minx scrapped, Ford Consul scrapped, as to the rest is anyone's guess.

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