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Taliban torture and then shoot in the head, 20 year old.

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anotheoldgit | 12:01 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | News
124 Answers

I am absolutely disgusted that there are some on this site who can't wait to condemn our soldiers if they happen to step out of line, or injure a Afghan civilian (if there is such a thing) and yet they are not equally ready to condemn these murderous cowardly savages who could commit a crime such as this.

Here we have a young boy of only 20 years, who must have endured many hours of excruciating torture and then finally shot several times in the head, what that poor lad must have endured, is too frightening to contemplate, and I would not condemn his colleagues if they were to capture one of these murderous scum and carry out the same punishment on him.

But then if this were to happen, the culprits would face a court-martial and a very long jail sentence, so much for the lax military justice that some on this site refer to.

RIP Scott McLaren.


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> they are after your blood.

> Is there any?

> You should know

Hmmm. Logical progression of ideas not your strongpoint is it aqualung?

Liked the AC/DC though.
With it having sheep ? your favourites
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All I can say to boxtop and jack-the-hat, please supply me with examples of threads where either of you have ever started a thread in which you have ever criticised or condemned anyone from the groups I have already mentioned.

In fact in a quick look through the last 40 of JTH's questions, I can see only one entered in the news section, that being a sarcastic criticism of old age pensioners.

What does that say?

Now what about boxtops? No cannot see any, except a couple about a cat being swung by it's tail, but they wasn't in the news section.

Much easier to criticise others it seems.
Aqualung (Rebelsouls) whoever

is obviously senile, drunk or 8 years old

But I'm sure we appreciate him sharing from his sheep video collection.
Stop fudging, AOG!

You have accused me of being an apologist for the Taliban, or in some way 'anti' our Armed Forces.......I have asked that you provide the evidence.

It's the least that you can do given your accusation.
Old Git wriggles on hook ....
I am not one of them.
;;; Aqualung (Rebelsouls) whoever

is obviously senile, drunk or 8 years old

But I'm sure we appreciate him sharing from his sheep video collection. :::

Hello back to the old you must be him etc, because i am with all my mates :)
I have heard of Mad Cows Disease can you catch anything from sheep up on the Moor ?
Question Author
/// is obviously senile, drunk or 8 years old ///

Notice the usual childish abusive insults Aqualung, by the prime abuser of AB.
I'm still waiting, AOG........
Aog you must not disagree with the flock they don't like it.
yes, and childish references to sheep worrying and 'moors' (What The Funicular I live in Sussex - we don't have moors in this civilised corner of the country) are right on your intellectual level aren't they Old Git?

Stop being an old queen and answer jack's question

But of course you can't - can you?
Have you moved, did the farmers make you leave :)
That confirms that this was a perfectly reasonable hypothesis:

<senile, drunk or 8 years old>
You want to remember what you post, one minute you have a moor next minute you don't.
Question Author

/// You have accused me of being an apologist for the Taliban, or in some way 'anti' our Armed Forces.......I have asked that you provide the evidence. ///

Since I have never actually accused you personally of being an apologist for the Taliban, it will not be possible for me to supply you with proof.

But then it won't be the first time on this site that one has used lies to somehow try to belittle me.

In the meantime, all I can say is the same I have already said "If the cap fits wear it".
Remind me when, according to your addled brain, did i ever 'have a moor'?

If you are recalling a reference I once made to National Parks in Devon when discussing their support by the taxpayer, I think you'll find people who don't live there are still allowed to know about them and even make references to them. It doesn't mean they live there.

If English isn't your first language you can probably translate the above explanation via babelfish or similar so you don't make the same mistake in future.
Give you one thing zoohl you are good with the insults aog has you well sussed

;;; by the prime abuser of AB. ;; That is spot on
Still not good enough, AOG.

You have made direct accusatory statements and now hope that by obfusticating you can deflect the matter. It simply won't wash.

Your comments are grossly offensive, the implications you didn't bother concealing in your OP are grossly offensive......the cap doesn't fit, but if you are using that as a basis for telling me to ignore what you said, I'm afraid that doesn't work either!

I suggest that you climb down from your high-horse, admit that you have grossly misrepresented the opinions of most of the contributors to this site and learn to use 'foresight' rather than apply 'hindsight' when you post in future!

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