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Taliban torture and then shoot in the head, 20 year old.

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anotheoldgit | 12:01 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | News
124 Answers

I am absolutely disgusted that there are some on this site who can't wait to condemn our soldiers if they happen to step out of line, or injure a Afghan civilian (if there is such a thing) and yet they are not equally ready to condemn these murderous cowardly savages who could commit a crime such as this.

Here we have a young boy of only 20 years, who must have endured many hours of excruciating torture and then finally shot several times in the head, what that poor lad must have endured, is too frightening to contemplate, and I would not condemn his colleagues if they were to capture one of these murderous scum and carry out the same punishment on him.

But then if this were to happen, the culprits would face a court-martial and a very long jail sentence, so much for the lax military justice that some on this site refer to.

RIP Scott McLaren.


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<<I have never actually accused you personally of being an apologist for the Taliban>>

So who were you accusing when you wrote?

<<I am absolutely disgusted that there are some on this site who can't wait to condemn our soldiers if they happen to step out of line, or injure a Afghan civilian (if there is such a thing) and yet they are not equally ready to condemn these murderous cowardly savages who could commit a crime such as this. >>

Why do you think that anyone else who doesn't post some sickly, self promoting message of disgust is guilty by default of supporting such things?

Have you checked whether you have adequately publicised your disgust for everything you don't want to be thought of as supporting?
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You are a prime example when talking about intellectual levels.

But I will no longer be prepared to be drawn down to your level, hence I will no longer debate with you.

But let me alter that from 'debate with you' to 'join in with your childish exchanges'.
That's a surrender then?

(Old Git crawls away - again)

Aqua <you are good with the insults>

Well, some people make it so easy! I prefer to think that pointing out the shortcomings of the dishonest and the incompetent is more a sort of social service really.
Just looking at past threads to find the one with you saying you live on or next to the moor and found this,

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Zeuhl is that your insult for me for today
17:52 Tue 02nd Nov 2010 Report
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I wonder if Slark is also R Soul?

Anyone who has followed his anti-BBC rantings over the years will need counselling by now anyway.

17:52 Tue 02nd Nov 2010 Report
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I have reported this person to the Ed and shall post no more on this topic.
17:59 Tue 02nd Nov 2010 Report
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Good for you

Do you say this to everyone who does not agree with you
You must be rsoul/ ????? pmsl

A lot of posts have answer removed don't know if they are your answers :)
That is prime intellectual arrogance on your part, AOG, and this thread makes fo the most vomit-inducing thread of yours this year - by far.

It is an insult to the soldier concerned, it is an insult to his family and it is all an insult to many ABers here.

And before you squawk as you normally do about me being one of the rabid left, I am one of the few that back the need to go into Afghanistan and sort the Taliban out, not only for the Afghanis, but to deter their atrocious activities in our cities. I do hope that we can get them out asap though as the concept of war is a failure of government and diplomacy.

You should apologise for overstepping the mark - we all make mistakes on here from time to time and this is one of yours.

I draw you to the following: Intellectual arrogance limits our vision and causes a disabling ignorance. The philosopher Simone Veil said that “real genius is nothing but the supernatural virtue of humility in the domain of thought”.

Words to ponder on but then I suppose that you will not and carry blthely on skewering yourself to the AB Life Post of Stupidity.
"them" in Para 3 being the Army for clarification
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/// Still not good enough, AOG. ///

No well it wouldn't would it, you don't like the truth do you, even when it is put before your very eyes?

Still waiting for you to provide the proof, of where I said '" JTH you are an apologist for the Taliban".

No you can't can you? because it is only a figment of your imagination."
Don't forget the big match
<<I am absolutely disgusted that there are some on this site who can't wait to condemn our soldiers if they happen to step out of line, or injure a Afghan civilian (if there is such a thing) and yet they are not equally ready to condemn these murderous cowardly savages who could commit a crime such as this. >>

^^^There for starters, AOG. And every other time you have made an assertion that the 'usual suspects' harbour thoughts and feelings contrary to those very noble ones of which you yourself are possessed.
AOG - although I admire your tenacity and wilingness to fight your corner, your constant diversions regarding your original posts do you no credit.

I am sure no one will think any less of you for apologising for the wording of your original post, which was crass and offesnsive.

i myself am more than willing to apologies to any poster whom I have inadvertently offended - and that has included you on more than one occasion.

So why not bite the bullet, say you are sorry for writing without first considering the impact of your post, and we can all move on.

This constant determination to be the concience of a nation you see not agreeeing with the government's foerign policy is admirable, if misguided, but insulting people who share opposing views is not appropriate, and I know that you know better.
"In foresight perhaps I should have made two separate threads:

One to ask for the feelings of others, regarding the brutal death that this soldier endured.

And one to highlight the fact, that no matter what, criticism of certain groups are a complete no, no, according to some on this site."

The first option would certainly be an improvement on castigating people by attributing sympathy for terrorists simply because they have absented themselves from posting about an issue.

The second would be utterly pointless - as I have already pointed out, I don't feel the need to post that I abhore acts of terrorism and violence from any quarter - it is not confined to certain ethnic groups or government forces, and i am sure i speak for most balanced and intelligent posters on here, which is the vast majority.

You are completely entitled to feel the same impotent rage and deep sadness at another pointless death in a foreign country at the hands of barbarians as the rest of us, you are not entitled to assume you hold the mandate on such feelings simply because you happen to start threads about them.
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<<I am absolutely disgusted that there are some on this site who can't wait to condemn our soldiers if they happen to step out of line, or injure a Afghan civilian (if there is such a thing) and yet they are not equally ready to condemn these murderous cowardly savages who could commit a crime such as this. >>

Mmmmmm, still can't see any reference to jack-the-hat or anyone else in particular.

But thanks anyway for re-entering my original remark, saves others wondering what attracted 100 plus posts.

So who were you referring to when you said 'some on this site'?
"All I can say to boxtop and jack-the-hat, please supply me with examples of threads where either of you have ever started a thread in which you have ever criticised or condemned anyone from the groups I have already mentioned."

There's no need for me to - youve already always got there. I don't feel the need to start critical threads about terrorists and extremists - you obviously do.
anyone can get 100 posts in a thread by putting forward such tripe that a lot of people feel compelled to point out what nonsense it is.

By contrast, my own lightly-attended threads are evidence that I get it right all the time.
Okay AOG, what's you're background? Have you served? Where, which service because I have a bit of a dichotomy going on. If you have served you are demeaning the memories and actions of every single serviceman who has ever existed, If not you are a blowhard pointless Daily Mail reader who has nothing better to do than stir up trouble.

Please respond
aog was a conscripted airman in the RAF, don't know when or where but.
-- answer removed --
Oh dear AOG, even by long history of dismal posts, this has not been your finest hour.

Nevermind, wait for another unfortunate victim of the Taleban to meet a gruesome end and have another go at making cheap shots at people you have never met on an internet forum.
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/// So who were you referring to when you said 'some on this site'? ///

That's for me to know and you to find out.

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