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A Translator Living In Germany Has Revealed That Muslim Migrants Believe The Country "should Be Islamised"

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Baldric | 13:00 Thu 17th Nov 2016 | News
97 Answers

‘We will multiply our numbers’ Muslim migrants aim to outbreed Christians.

Well who'd have thought it?


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hereIam - I am not suggesting that you are, or that your belief in what she says is misplaced.

But consider this - if another translator came forward and said that in his / her experience, the Muslim immigrants were making every effort to integrate, and looked forward to building a multi-cultural society - would that get as much coverage in a foreign newspaper?

I think we both know the answer to that.
Naomi - //andy-hughes, why don't you believe her? //

I have not said that I don't believe her.
andy-hughes, what are you arguing about then?
Naomi - my point is not whether or not this lady is speaking the truth.

My point is - she is not an accredited news source, she is one of probably hundreds of translators who has expressed a view based on her experience, and that view chimes with the readers of The Express, which is why they have printed it.

As I pointed out, a translator who has the diametrically opposite experience, and there is no reason to doubt that there is one, does not have their experience given such coverage, or indeed any coverage at all.

I understand that newspapers must pander to their readers by quoting sources that take their editorial line - I simply query whether anyone should take on board that story simply because it chimes with that they already believe to be fact.
I know you are not suggesting that, I am just stating what I believe and how I am not blinkered like so many are ! Your second para is nonsense, they would NEVER say that !
hereIam - //Your second para is nonsense, they would NEVER say that ! //

Now it is you who are making snap judgements based on no evidence!

People have their views and opinions based on their experience, but views and opinions are not proven facts.

Newspapers will print what their readers want to read - and for a tabloid like The Star, that may mean that Megan Markle is going to marry Prince Harry.

Maybe she is - but it's not a fact - and facts are facts and guess and suppositions and opinions and biases and agendas are not facts.
andy-hughes, it’s ridiculous to keep banging on that she is not an ‘accredited news source’. She can’t be named for reasons already explained to you. The Express is not alone in carrying the story and it’s of any interest to you a Muslim Aber (who hasn't maintained his anonymity) said the same years ago.

// Islam (real Islam) will dominate the world one day as that is the only perfect way of life whether you agree with it or you don’t.//

I'll repeat, Muslims are telling us what their intentions are. Why don't you believe them?

Naomi - you somewhat prove my point.

You are keen to defend this woman to me because you believe what she says to be true.

As I have said before, Al Qauda was founded in 1988,ISIS was founded in 1999, there are millions and millions of Muslims around the world.

If they are so keen on 'taking over' - what exactly is keeping them?
andy-hughes, //there are millions and millions of Muslims around the world.
If they are so keen on 'taking over' - what exactly is keeping them? //

Millions and millions more non-Muslims.
andy-hughes, //Naomi - you somewhat prove my point. //

I don't think so.
agchristie at 14:58, sorry, I wasn’t ignoring you. Just got a bit caught up. I agree.
Is that a different translator AOG? I don't doubt she said it, I'm just not sure anything this person says carries any more weight tan something said by, for example, charity workers who work in refugee camps. I don't doubt many Muslims do think like that but why does her view add anything to what we already know.
Are they not doing that now with they way they breed?
Here's are two more quotations from a possibly biased and unreliable source:

“Christianity is not the creed of Asia and Africa at this moment solely because the seventh century Christians of Asia and Africa had trained themselves not to fight, whereas the Moslems were trained to fight. Christianity was saved in Europe solely because the peoples of Europe fought. If the peoples of Europe in the 7th and 8th centuries, and on up to and including the 17th century, had not possessed a military equality with, and gradually a growing superiority over the Mohammedans who invaded Europe, Europe would at this moment be Mohammedan and the Christian religion would be exterminated.”

“Wherever the Mohammedans have had complete sway, wherever the Christians have been unable to resist them by the sword, Christianity has ultimately disappeared. From the hammer of Charles Martel to the sword of Jan Sobieski, Christianity owed its safety in Europe to the fact that it was able to show that it could and would fight as well as the Mohammedan aggressor.”

Yes, they breed like rabbits TWR !
fiction-factory, //why does her view add anything to what we already know.//

What do you already know?
Some of the public are afraid to open their mouths in case they offend HerIam, am I ok to say what I've just said, I'll have to check this out.
TWR! Your perpetual bilious comments are quite tedious for me.
Did I force you to read them?

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