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A Translator Living In Germany Has Revealed That Muslim Migrants Believe The Country "should Be Islamised"

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Baldric | 13:00 Thu 17th Nov 2016 | News
97 Answers

‘We will multiply our numbers’ Muslim migrants aim to outbreed Christians.

Well who'd have thought it?


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a number of the Muslim migrants

just fancy that. I wonder what the number is? If only a newspaper reporter had asked her.
Naomi - no problem.

V_e - good bit of historical context.

Of course, everyone has and is entitled to an opinion, except some make more sense than others..
jno, you sound doubtful....
//just fancy that. I wonder what the number is? If only a newspaper reporter had asked her.//

Perhaps she should have used the Remoaner trick and said 50% of Muslims think this way, when it was 2 out of the 4 she had spoken to.
oh, good on you bringing Brexit into this thread, Togo.
Yes heaven forbid we link an immigrant "issue" with the decision to get out of the EU social experiment. Note, the very inviting EU is still there, it is easy to reach, all moths are welcome to the flames.
I have now tracked down this report. It is authored by:

// The Open Doors, Action on Behalf of Persecuted Christians and the Needy (AVC), International Society for Human Rights (IGFM), Aid to the Church in Need and Central Council of Oriental Christians in Germany (ZOCD). //

So not exactly an unbiased view then, and certainly one with an agenda to push, rather liker the Daily Express in fact.

It may support may ABers view, but it is really evidence of anything, it is one religion trying to demonise another, with flimsy, anecdotal accounts from untracable sources.
Do you think the persecution of Christians in many (perhaps most) Muslim majority countries is fact or fiction, Gromit?

I can produce (if challenged) a body of evidence to support the former answer. Do you have evidence to support the latter?

As you're a moderator, of course, you may not think that facts are relevant. .
Oh dear, Germany's Deutsche Welle Broadcaster questions the impartiality of Eritrean translators accusing them of abuses.

Eritrean translators 'intimidating refugees' in Germany
// Eritrean translators are deliberately mistranslating the testimonies of refugees during their hearings, according to dissidents' groups in Germany. Some are even intimidating them into hiding human rights abuses. //
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I haven't read the link, Gromit (I'm trying to watch Newsnight)). Is the link a response to my post or is it making a different point?
Newsnight? Heaven forfend! The Andrew Neil thing. He's talking about Trump.
a different point. Apparently the Eritrean translators in Germany are in the pay of the Eritrean authorities, and are hostile to muslim Eritreans, and are there to suppress their reports of religious persecution in Eritrea. According to The German Broadcaster anyway.
They have been exported from and currently funded by the Eritrean "authorities" to suppress reports of "religious persecution" in - where? Do I understand any of this?

My original question (relevant to the plausibility of the complaint in the OP - if not its reporter) is unanswered.

Who is the silly woman who has replaced Dianne, by the way?
Not the same body language. The sexually charged Abbott and Portillo relationship was about the most extraordinary thing since the report that Jeremy Clarkson was having it off with Jemima (née) Goldsmith.
from untracable sources.

It appears untraceable sources are only valid when they suit your agenda, Gromit.

Still trying to watch Portillo.

Gomit's source attacks OP's source. How to work nthat bone out?

Answer my question, Gromit: are Christians routinely persecuted in Muslim countries?

Easy question - easy answer.

More valuable bonus: how many such Christian hate-mongers are arriving with the decent refugees? Same question about those Muslims who hate Jews, hate the West and those who want to kill enemies of Islam. Not 100% certainly. 5%? 1%?

One of your mates compared Islamic terrorists with the Westboro Baptists -twenty of those - have yet to kill anybody. So a false even mentally unbalanced equivalence between real dangers and gnat bites.
Gromit, despite your selective editing it’s very clear that the article you’ve linked to relates to the regime in Eritrea – none of it relevant to this.
// Gromit, from untracable sources. It appears untraceable sources are only valid when they suit your agenda, Gromit. //

The source is name and so is the organisation, something the Express article failed to do. Perhaps they failed to tell us that their source was a group campaigning about Christian persecution by muslims, because we then might just conclude that their testomony is biased.

For the record, Deutsch Walle's named source is Rut Bahta, co-founder of the Frankfurt-based Eritrean dissident network United4Eritrea.

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