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That Bus Again!

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Khandro | 11:25 Tue 16th Jan 2018 | News
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According to BoJo, £350 m. was a figure too low;


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i was just reading that, is he right though...
well our dues would have risen so he's correct.
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As TTT says.
Boris is still trying to con us with the Bus Trick. I am not sure it will work again though.

///Boris is still trying to con us with the Bus Trick. I am not sure it will work again though///

Where's he trying to that then Mikey?

///"As and when the cash becomes available - and it won't until we leave - the NHS SHOULD be at the very top of the list."///

Should not would.
Did you read the article properly Mickey, or have you done what you usually do and miss out the words that dont agree with your agenda?

Let me reiterate his words for you again:

"As and when the cash becomes available - and it won't until we leave - the NHS should be at the very top of the list."

Now what is wrong with that? You are always bleating about spending more on the NHS are you not? Personally I thin he is wrong and nothing should be spent on the NHS until its wasteful and useless management have been bought to order.
Cross posted Baldric.
Nothing wrong at all you will know, I am a big fan of improving the NHS. But the NHS will just be in a long queue for extra funds when we leave the EU.
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Politicians are all incapable of facing the fact that the NHS has to be reformed, it simply cannot continue as it is, money can be endlessly thrown at it but it can never be enough.
A cross party team should be set up and come up with, at the very least, some new definition of what the NHS actually is and does.
The old, "free at the point of use", is a mantra we have heard repeatedly for decades, but can anyone really say what it means, because I actually don't know.
Khandro....."A cross party team should be set up"

I agree, but how is that going to help the 50,000 people who have had their operations cancelled now ?

Or the people waiting and sleeping on trolleys in corridors, or, even worse, the people waiting in car parks, and being treated by medical staff in the back of those ambulances ?
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mikey; //how is that going to help the 50,000 people who have had their operations cancelled now ?//

That is an entirely different (but related) problem, only more doctors, and operating theatres could deal with that and without a magic wand, no amount of instant money could solve that in the short term.
The ever increasing population - with millions more waiting to enter is only exacerbating the UK's problems, and not only for the NHS.
Good old Bojo....He knows how to wind em up. Now, instead of not giving £350m to the profligate NHS, we will not be giving the wastrels £500m. :))
Khandro....ah !

Its the immigrants then....I wondered when that would surface !

This government has had all summer to prepare for what sounds like a normal winter to me.....lots of illnesses and lots of demand.

So why didn't they make better provisions than they ?
Perhaps Winter comes as such a surprise to the NHS because they "employ" so many people who come from places that don't have one. (^_*)

///This government has had all summer to prepare for what sounds like a normal winter to me.....lots of illnesses and lots of demand///

I've visited Hospitals quite a lot since July due to Mrs B's problem, and not once have I seen a MP directing Services, I believe they tend to rely on the Management Structure to do that, although I don't know if NHS Wales does it differently tbh.
When did Mrs May decide to take the Gag off ?
It's not a normal winnter though is it? Australian flu has clobbered the NHS ontop of the normal heavier rate.

The problem is, if you staff up the NHS to be 100+% in the winter then you will be overstaffed in the summer and the cost would be phenomenal and, I suspect, would be become unacceptable to the General public.

The other problem is that the NHS is NOT in crisis. Some badly ru nparts of it are and some in overcrowded areas struggle.

//Its the immigrants then....I wondered when that would surface ! //

Are you saying that mass uncontrolled immigrantion and Health Tourism plays no part in the issues the NHS is suffering?
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mikey; If you think an increase in immigration has no effect on the pressure on services such as the NHS, then you are living in a dream world not this one.
// The old, "free at the point of use", is a mantra we have heard repeatedly for decades, but can anyone really say what it means, because I actually don't know.//

It means it isn't free, because you pay towards it through NI contributions, but you don't have to get your credit card out before they'll look at you in A&E.

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