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Khandro | 11:25 Tue 16th Jan 2018 | News
40 Answers
According to BoJo, £350 m. was a figure too low;


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as i pointed out on another thread according to sources, the NHS is owed 2 billion from health tourists, no way to get that back, one man's operation and treatment came to nearly half a million, he fled back to Nigeria apparently without settling his bill.
// but you don't have to get your credit card out before they'll look at you in A&E. //

Sorry, should have added " you do in some S*****le countries."
Perhaps the NHS should "employ" the rapacious sharks who chase up the car parking "offenders" to collect the monies due from the health tourists. Or is that not politically expedient?
they should be made to take out health insurance before leaving their country of origin, and should be questioned at immigration about their health status, sounds draconian, but it might stop the NHS bleeding so much money away on health tourists.
It matters little. It was correct at the time despite some folks attempt to twist the truth. It ought not be a large part of moving forward now.
It's not free at the point of use though is it? One has to pay for prescriptions.

And dont get me started on Dental, plus eye tests.
Not in Wales we don't YMB, at least not for scrips. We pay a max. of £245 for our teeth...not sure about eye tests, although they are free to me.

Its what you get when you vote Labour !
//Its what you get when you vote Labour ! //

Yeah.....a need to visit the dentist and regular prescriptions after years of short sighted policy.
Mikey, //Its what you get when you vote Labour ! //

Come off it! The NHS in Wales has a dreadful reputation! Even you've been known to moan about it!
Mikey 17.50, love it, LOL.
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spathi; ^^ Errr, he's saying that figure is too low, the real figure will be more.
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No, of course the whole £350M extra saving won't go to the NHS. It was a ridiculous remainer suggestion that it might. As if there were not other things needing to be funded too.
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Above science and farming etc. ?
Balance in everything.
350 MILLION , all for Carillion ?
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