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Here We Go, He Claims He's Hearing Voices, Is This A Tactic To Get A Lighter Sentence?

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saintpeter48 | 12:56 Mon 07th Jan 2019 | News
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I don't care whether people who murder others are sane or insane. They show a propensity for killing others so if they cant be executed they should be locked up forever.
18:09 Mon 07th Jan 2019
I wasn't suggesting that the defendant would actually say it, Andy - more that it could form part of the mindset of some psychiatrists who might be useful to the defence in establishing 'unfit to plead' status.
// Is This A Tactic To Get A Lighter Sentence? //

It may be, but as people have said, it's a stupid tactic. He's probably just a thug trying to absolve himself of the responsibility for what he's done, without fully understanding the consequences of playing the 'insanity' card.
I don't care whether people who murder others are sane or insane. They show a propensity for killing others so if they cant be executed they should be locked up forever.
// I have moved this thread into the category "News".//

why - the answers are all the same as ever

Forensic psychiatrists do their stuff
and get it competely wrong - Guiness trial
and it just makes their job harder

you have the gamut of guilty but insane - unfit to plead - diminished responsibility

stranger upon stranger - frenzied...
I feel sorry for Lee Pomeroy ....
Fetch the rope.

Savages like this are of no use to society and will always present a danger, best to be disposed of.

Accomplice should never see the light of day.

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