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Here We Go, He Claims He's Hearing Voices, Is This A Tactic To Get A Lighter Sentence?

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saintpeter48 | 12:56 Mon 07th Jan 2019 | News
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I don't care whether people who murder others are sane or insane. They show a propensity for killing others so if they cant be executed they should be locked up forever.
18:09 Mon 07th Jan 2019
It may or may not be an authentic and reasonable defense,but this will depend on other evidence and the options of Psychiatrists.
"opinions" ^^^
I have no relevant qualifications but his use of the word 'paranoid' in such circumstances struck me as a little odd.
Always a good one to start with.
Next he gets a pre trial 'Nut and Gut' report.
Unfit to Plead
Unfit to stand trial

That book is on the next shelf to Bomb Making in Your Kitchen.
actually if its a tactic to get a lighter sentence its a silly one. People who are found unfit to plead or stand trial can be placed in a secure facility without trial until they are no longer a danger to the public. if they are releasedits usually on a licence and are tightly monitored. additionally there is a known condition called folie a deux where a stronger character can foist their delusions onto a weaker one, causing the weaker one to become involved in the stronger one's activities.
as an aside, I wonder if that really is her given name?
appalling savage should never see the light of day again, ditto the accomplice.
The individual concerned will be assessed by psychiatrists who are more than capable of assessing if someone has genuine mental issues, or is simply attempting to provide a smoke screen.
I have moved this thread into the category "News".
Andy, I wouldn't use the term "more than capable" as Psychiatrists have a mediocre record of assessment in such cases and many barristers believe that a Psychiatric opinion isn't worth the paper that it is written on and that is IF the doctors agree.....which is unlikely.
If he gets sectioned they get institutionalised very quickly and it's hard to release them.
Sqad - // Andy, I wouldn't use the term "more than capable" as Psychiatrists have a mediocre record of assessment in such cases and many barristers believe that a Psychiatric opinion isn't worth the paper that it is written on and that is IF the doctors agree.....which is unlikely. //

I am sure history will show that the prosecuting council thinks the doctors' opinions are totally valid, and the defence council will agree with your view - you would not really expect anything else.
I have a simple opinion on this.

Stab someone to death because you're evil.......Never see the outside world again.

Stab someone to death because you're suffering from mental issues.......Never see the outside world again.

All it comes down to, Talbot, is where you're held!
Talbot - // I have a simple opinion on this.

Stab someone to death because you're evil.......Never see the outside world again.

Stab someone to death because you're suffering from mental issues.......Never see the outside world again. //

Of the two, based on woofgang's point - the second option is a more likely outcome in this circumstance, if mental instability is proven to be the driving factor in the murder.
If he is, it won't work.

Although anyone who stabs a stranger to death over a heated exchange of words on a train surely *has* to have questionable sanity?
jack - You'd think so.

I think any defence counsel is going to have its work cut out!
Ah JtH - that is a dangerously circular argument

"No sane person would stab someone in a trivial dispute, I stabbed someone in a trivial dispute, therefore I'm not sane"

I don't think that will wash.
the man is a danger to society. This is the only reason anyone should be locked up, regardless of their mental condition.
sunny-dave - // Ah JtH - that is a dangerously circular argument

"No sane person would stab someone in a trivial dispute, I stabbed someone in a trivial dispute, therefore I'm not sane"

I don't think that will wash. //

I am not sure that the individual will be making a statement like that in court - the judicial system requires the burden of proof to be established.
s-d, whether or not he tries that as a defence I have no's simply my take on matters.

My B-i-L has been a guest of H.M. secure mental institutions for the past 30+ years and he didn't do anything as dreadful as this.

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