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Would You Be Happy ? M&s Changing Room Policy

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Bobbisox1 | 11:30 Mon 04th Nov 2019 | News
328 Answers
Sharing a dressing room with the opposite sex?
Again is this a case of ‘ pandering to the minority’ ?



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With lockable cubicles, I wouldn't be bothered. With communal rooms, I would. You are totally wrong, spath... it is not "transphobic". I would be perfectly happy to share space with a woman dressed as a man... so it isn't about "trans" people. I would not be comfortable sharing with a man, though. That may be sexist, but life is, and sonis reality.
12:17 Mon 04th Nov 2019
"If Caitlyn Jenner won "woman of the year" lol."

30 years research and you didn't know that?

Maybe you should start to research how society sees this topic, instead of yourself.
I have, spath. You?
I'm not transphobic at all. Sexist, maybe when relevant. And sometimes it is, as man and women are different. Which is fine, obviously. You didn't bother with sparkly's link, I see. And neither have you answered the majority of questions you have been asked throughout the thread.
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Spath I’m commenting from the sidelines to you only because I see the only ones talking rationally are the ones answering you
I didn't say I had 30 years of research. 25. It just shows you are not taking anything in.
//OK Naomi i'll simply take that as a No. //

Really? How odd. Your question didn't require a yes/no answer.
Go double check that.. you said 25, then just a few answers ago, you said 30

This discussion has got petty and malicious ^ i’m out.
No, spath. I said I have been researching it for 25 years. As you clearly are so much more experienced, I said you had "30 years". Please try actually reading what is there.
All this looks like, honestly, is that you don't have the slightest idea what is going on, or how it affects people. You seem to be spending a lot of time on Twitterz or some-such, reading the posts of transactivists, without ever taking the trouble to find out anything real for yourself. Shallow... is the best word I can think of. And the kindest.
I like Spath He/she is funny... shallow or not I wouldn't want to bump into him/her in a cubicle.
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I like Spath too but boy can he argue and not give in :0)))
I have a mixture of admiration and pity :-)
Well' he'd be telling me what bra size to wear.
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We all have to back down at times,that’s life
Good Lord Spath, what a load of verbal diarrhoea you are spewing out today.

Personally I am not bothered, but I am a man. I can quite understand Ladies not liking this and I fail to understand what a bigger number of people should be trod on to pamper to a minority. M&S need to be very careful, especially given their demographic doing things like this.

On the M&S point though it really won't worry me. Never been in since they refused to accept a credit card for a suit and would only take their own.
We do my dear... different opinions etc... it could go on... and and on...
i remember what it was like when many shops had open
cubicles, all women together, talk about being embarrassed. I would rather not share my cubicle lock or no lock thank you very much.
It's been a few years since i've being dragged around shopping for clothes... but M&S.. A secret Gov' agent busted :-)
Quick to defame
Me and my words but not so quick to explain how. I’d love for someone to pick apart any of my answers, as all it would do is show people for the unaccepting, judgemental people for whom they really are.

Pixie talks about feeling vulnerable. I wonder how vulnerable a transwoman feels being forced to use a male facility, or how vulnerable a trans person would feel just reading the bile in this thread.

No consideration for the mental attributes that come along with being trans.

I see no issue with unisex, those who do fear sexual predators not genders.
I am an elderly, plumpish lady who, until recently, liked M&S. Now, I no longer bother as they have stopped their Classic range of clothes and nothing now fits, particularly sleeves too long. Also they have stopped stocking larger sizes, so they obviously don't want their shops cluttered up with plump old ladies. I also get fed up with the right on mission statements all over the walls and I do prefer completely separate sex changing rooms.
We have a M&S Food store in our town and I still shop there occasionally.
I was not surprised when it dropped out of the FTSE 100.
Spath, if a "transwoman" feels vulnerable amongst other men, why do you not believe women might feel the same? Surely the answer is to educate men to accept their own... or at worst, a third place for trans people.
Why is it women who have to take the risk instead?

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