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Would You Be Happy ? M&s Changing Room Policy

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Bobbisox1 | 11:30 Mon 04th Nov 2019 | News
328 Answers
Sharing a dressing room with the opposite sex?
Again is this a case of ‘ pandering to the minority’ ?



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With lockable cubicles, I wouldn't be bothered. With communal rooms, I would. You are totally wrong, spath... it is not "transphobic". I would be perfectly happy to share space with a woman dressed as a man... so it isn't about "trans" people. I would not be comfortable sharing with a man, though. That may be sexist, but life is, and sonis reality.
12:17 Mon 04th Nov 2019
I’ve 2 kilts already bobbles (that I hardly ever wear now) no need for another..... nae need for kex
"And off around the houses he goes ....."

Do you see the person, or the person and the mindset it's actually a rather simple and relevant question.
//Yes, as a woman, what would you know about trans mentality? And how is it your place to say where they should and shouldn't be allowed?//

Trans people are more important than women?
//Yes, as a woman, what would you know about trans mentality? //

I don't want to know about trans mentality. If they have a problem, that's their problem - not mine.
"a woman who is trans, is still a woman."

So you'd rather share a space with.. a woman who felt and acted like she was a male, Rather than a man who felt and acted like a female?

You know caitlyn jenner won woman of the year?

Your ideologies are dated.
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Spath can you stop attacking and just debate?
Spath, how is autism relevant to this thread? Short answer. It isn't.
"I don't want to know about trans mentality. If they have a problem, that's their problem - not mine."

So you're just here to force your point and argue?

Surprise Surprise.
Autocorrect... not single-handed! Single- gender.
"Spath, how is autism relevant to this thread? Short answer. It isn't."

If you had a clue, you'd realise. you gonna answer my question or not?????? as you'd put it? (sense of entitlement?)

"Do you see the person, or the person and the mindset it's actually a rather simple and relevant question."
//So you're just here to force your point and argue? //

What are you doing, spath?
Of course I would, spath. Male-pattern violence is not affected by transgender, or even transsexual (you will know this with your 30 years of research). So i am just as much, no more and no less, at risk with a man who claims to be a woman, as with any other man.
//you gonna answer my question or not?????? as you'd put it? //

I've never said that in my life, spath.
Sense of entitlement is exactly it. Men... stereotypically, invading spaces which are not for them. They seem unable to process "no, you are not welcome here". Egos have an awful lot to answer for. This is stereotypically male behaviour, and just shows they do not 'think like a woman's. If they did, they would understand.
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With Spaths constant angst I can see a good debate being cast aside and maybe pulled, k hope not
//"Do you see the person, or the person and the mindset//

Your question is what you would call ‘moot’. You have no idea of a stranger’s mindset.
//NewJudge, no one makes people leave their house in the morning.//

I really am out!
If Caitlyn Jenner won "woman of the year" lol. That only goes to show how invasive this is. Surely even you can't believe that is right?
And no, my views are not "dated". Over many years, I have changed my mind and back again, the more I have learnt. Science and statistics are never dated, until they actually change.
Maybe once men stop attacking women in such large numbers, we might think again.
OK Naomi i'll simply take that as a No.

Pixie it's hard to debate gender and trans with someone who is either Sexist or trans phobic.

Bobbi, you're just commenting from the sidelines about me. It's not the done thing, if anything will lead to the closure of your thread.. it's that.

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