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Ok Who's Going Out Today Then?

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ToraToraTora | 12:09 Thu 14th Jul 2022 | News
85 Answers
I predict Braverman will go out this round. What say you?


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personal attacks are not allowed khandro

Truss signing her own political death warrant?
Even the grey suits in the party know they have to get away from the Johnson stench.
I’d expect Tom Tugendhat to withdraw before Monday.
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yep, Tugendhat will drop out and transfer to Mordaunt.
looking like Rishi v PM

My money is on PM.
It is fascinating trying to reason who the votes will be re-directed to once a candidate drops out, it’s often a good indicator as to just how fractured the party is(or isn’t?).
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If PM makes it to the final she'll win so expect some skulduggery from then Sunak camp.
untitled // personal attacks are not allowed khandro //

Then don't do it !
Everyone knows i am anti-tory but i would be quite interested to see mordaunt have a go… she’s different and I haven’t seen any proof of her being an awful person yet
if you can’t hack being called a racist then post fewer racist things… it’s not illegal just own it and forget the phoney spluttering and outrage…
I second the post at 15.15.
The Hindu remark elsewhere recently was disgraceful.
I hope Penny doesn’t win. I dislike ‘woke’ people.
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I agree Naomi.
Jura, I suggest you look a bit deeper especially at the video recording that have come out of he mouth.

She is frantically backtracking now, but its there for all to see. Could cost her dear.

No I haven’t - and she declared a bit more than that.
That^ to Jura.
So Braverman goes, as expected.
Tugendhat insists he won’t pull out and I don’t blame him, the less candidates the more fraught and fractious it gets.
Mordaunt looks assured and dependable this far.
If Sunak wins I reckon the public at the GE will not forget how loyal he remained to Johnson.
The Tory party need to bear this in mind.
Braverman's gone
The woke stuff doesn’t bother me, regardless of which party or politician it is, it’s just a trip wire used by some sections of media and an extreme minority of snowflakes, 99% of the public know it too I suspect.

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