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Ok Who's Going Out Today Then?

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ToraToraTora | 12:09 Thu 14th Jul 2022 | News
85 Answers
I predict Braverman will go out this round. What say you?


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Shirley, i’ve not spoken to a single person who wants Sunak. The end result will be up to the party members to decide.
I wish we could have Boris back ! Sunak is one of the creeps who stabbed him in the back ...
I wish we could have none of those but Mordaunt at least went to a Comprehensive School and Reading University rather than an independent school and Oxford so that would be a welcome change. She might even have met some normal people in those establishments.
careful diddlydo someone might ask you which school kier went to and where he did his postgrad
FAO Bobbisox - when Keir Starmer passed the 11-plus, Reigate Grammar was a normal State School - it only became independent later. His first degree was from Leeds University.
//rather than an independent school//

What is wrong with an Independent school, apart from your jealousy. I can tell you now that some very ordinary people scrape together to go to some Independent schools.

And anyway, why should someone be excluded because their parents sent them there. It's not as if they had a choice.

Also itsd quite amusing to see comments from the left like you. Lets face it you wouldnt vote Conservative if COB was leader.

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pastafreak: Get over yourself. Does it matter?
If the Tories don't want Sunak as PM, why do they keep voting for him to be party leader?
No-one I know wants Sunak. There's just something about him and this slick campaign which was planned and underway before he resigned does argue duplicity. I don't want him either. Braverman was my preferred candidate.
If Mordant dropped her support for Net Zero I would consider her. I am left with Kemi B., but I've a nasty feeling that it will be a 'stitch-up'. Just thanking goodness that Hunt is out.
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cashier: "If the Tories don't want Sunak as PM, why do they keep voting for him to be party leader? " - many of the MPs may want him but the party members don't and they (we) get the final choice and Penny is favourite if she gets to the final 2. I therefore expect Sunak to lend some of his support to Truss to stop PM. That's a dangerous game that could go wrong.
That’s a much nicer avatar Tora I will say that :-)
I think Truss wound also defeat Sunak
Thanks for that, is he planning to take us back into the EU do you think?
Untitled, Boris isn't planning to go anywhere, he's planning to protect his "legacy"
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cashier: "Thanks for that, is he planning to take us back into the EU do you think?" - no, I think all but a few fanatics think that isn't viable, well at least for a generation anyway. I'd rather have Truss than Sunak but I prefer Mordaunt.
Sorry to butt in but we can’t just “come back” into the EU.

Sunak supported leaving the EU anyway.
Liz Truss funnily enough was on the other side then
I know we can't just go back into the EU, but he could make application to join.
Interesting link jno.

In Ukraine I’m confident Truss or Mordaunt would stay strong.
Less sure about Sunak: maybe he could grin Putin to death
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we left the EUSSR at least for a generation, which outside Scotland is considered to be 25 years. TBH though I think the EUSSR will collapse back to a Common Market style organisation anyway.

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