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Those Sunlit Uplands Revisited

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Canary42 | 18:11 Sat 13th Aug 2022 | News
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Lol @ Archibaldy 10.24.

Bang on! BA me old china!
//all you 5Cers can cherry pick stats out of context//

You mean the facts and effects of Brexit thus far that you have no response to, from the YouTube clip?
Why not post us a link or two about the benefits of Brexit since it started?
Or do you disagree with the Tory MP’s and Farage in the clip?
I’m keeping a list (and regularly updating it) of the Brexit benefits; for TTT’s edification, below is the latest list I have.

- Blue passports
- The Crown Mark on pub glasses
- Mobile phone companies able to make roaming charges
(when using your phone in mainland Europe)
- Killing our honey-bees with EU banned pesticides
- Not having to insure ride-on lawnmowers used on private land
- Signage within Dartford tunnel spaced at yardage distances (in round numbers)
//Big trouble is ,the rest of Europe do not trust the UK any longer//

No love lost there on my part, Gulliver. I don't trust them either. In fact I don't trust anyone who tries to intimidate this country as they did - but if you're happy to capitulate to that, you're too late. Fortunately most of us aren't that weak.
Perhaps after this idiot Boris "The Crime Minister" has finally gone for ever ...the EU may start to trust the UK again.
hymie: "but the blindingly obvious facts of what an absolute disaster it is for the UK " - but you haven't posted anything of the sort. All you do is point to things and blame it on brexit when on closer inspection the economies of the EUSSR are having exactly the same things happening, what caused theirs? You anti British typed just blame brexit for everything regardless of things like the pandemic, war etc. Pathetic.
hymie: "I’m keeping a list (and regularly updating it) of the Brexit benefits; for TTT’s edification, below is the latest list I have. " - none of those are the true benefits.
// This from 2 months ago, and all good news, archibaldy.... but don't let it get you down. ;o) //

Glad to see it, interesting the biggest export market is Scandinavia. Not sure why you’d think it might get me down though, it’s good news isn’t it?
I think so.
Yes the time has come to face up to it.
Brexit is a disaster ,and its time to stop using covid as a scapegoat.
//hymie: "I’m keeping a list (and regularly updating it) of the Brexit benefits; for TTT’s edification, below is the latest list I have. " - none of those are the true benefits//

So tell us what they are then? You haven’t a clue, have you?
You can’t argue either against all the rhetoric in the YouTube clip because none of the prophecies have come true, have they? Anything but.
Even Cummings says it’ll be 2032 supposedly, despite the Tories telling us the benefits will be immediate.
We’re all ears, so do tell?
Plus everyone else went through the pandemic so why is ours the lowest growth forecast amongst the G7? Our economy is shrinking.
Why will we be sadly lacking and struggling to catch up whilst everyone recovers at a better and faster rate than us?
-- answer removed --
Phew! Archaic insults abound today.

They don't like it up 'em. :-)
Lol, so not a single benefit to Brexit when challenged, just the usual playground insults, the last bastion of the school bully?
PMSL, not a dry eye in the house!
Maybe youngmafbog will pop along shortly to shore you up and concur?
It invariably happens. Lol.
The UK will have a worse recession than any other European Countries because of leaving the EU.
As a result of labour shortages and new trade barriers ,that many have never seen in their lifetime.Brexit coupled with covid point to more economic pain and despair ahead and the poorest households will be hit. And the Tory Party is to blame..
So the invite is there, for all you Brexiteers (of whom there are many) to add to my list of Brexit benefits.

Don’t be shy now, or concerned that TTT will rubbish your Brexit benefit(s) – we all want to know what they are.
TTT claims that none of my listed Brexit benefits are true benefits.

But none other than TTT’s hero, Boris Jonson himself mentioned Blue Passports and the Crown Mark on pub glasses as Brexit benefits.

Rees-Mogg (Minister of State for Brexit Opportunities) mentioned the Dartford tunnel nonsense as another benefit.

Most Mobile phone companies have reintroduced roaming charges, our government allows the use of banned EU pesticides, and the EU is to require ride-on lawnmowers used on private land to be insured.

I’m half expecting TTT to claim the above as ‘fake news’.
It's time for the UK to sit down with EU officials and find common ground that will benefit both sides while being honest about free movement to address staff shortages in almost all sectors of of UK economy and Public Services.75% of companies are experiencing hiring difficulties and labour shortages since Brexit.
Sovereignty, is the answer to everything. I'm glad it improves our economy, secures jobs and keeps us from those nasty EU bullies, I mean Jeez, where would we be without it.

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