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Good Bye And Good Riddance.

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gulliver1 | 16:39 Sun 04th Sep 2022 | News
128 Answers
Boris Bows out as PM , Tomorrow. With his Party in a pretty poor shape in the opinion Polls. The key difference between now and then, is that in 2019 The Tories were well ahead of Labour , while now they are well behind Labour. ...He has damaged the Cons almost a bad as Thatcher did. and will put them out of Govt for some time ...


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....and you are still going to get your April kicked in 2024! PMSL!
You forgot to ask for a link. :-D
^ Because it's a lost cause
Probably making a dash for the toilet, Douglas.
Trump gone,Johnson gone,Sturgeon gone-October 2023.Happy days indeed.
Tena for men, Gness?
Is Liz O'Leary now a foregone conclusion?

She'll finish of the job Boris started.
With the economic mess the country's in, they will welcome being out of office for a while, let someone else take all the flak (it won't worry them with all their money safely stashed away in offshore tax havens, they will also "bet" against UK , just like JR-M did with Brexit).
As long as I'm not paying for the amount needed on AB these days, Tilly.
If you think the country is in an economic mess now watch what will happen after 5 years of labour (were they to get in). All they ever do is push us to near bankruptcy then hand over to the Tories to pull things round again.
Thatcher didn't destroy the Tories, She won three elections. Her legacy was to transform British politics. Even her successor, John Major, won in 92 against Kinnock.. Then Blair adopted her mantle. No renationalisation, no change to her reforms in relation to the trades unions, no change to our foreign policy stance, no change to the right to buy council houses, no change to environmental policy, no change to infrastructure policies, no change to the way the NHS was funded. Really, you must be daft.
paignton, don't bother, you can't shoe horn any sense into those that refuse to see.
...good point though, Blair was a big Thatcherite.
My dad always said the two things you should never argue about are politics and religion. You will never change someone's mind about these - just like the football team you support.
I agree with him, Maggie, both subjects often lead to a lot of unpleasantness :o(
Governments come and go, but it is sad how Tories can sack their PM who won an election and who was respected the world over. It just shows how crazy the top politicians are.
They got Boris to resign, so of course the party will be in a pretty poor shape in the opinion polls. But a short time with Liz in charge should sort that.
I think that Boris will be back as PM one day, he is still very popular with Tory voters, first time Tory voters at that!
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The Tories are the Losers right now . When/ or if Truss is elected , it will be the end of the Tories for Decades .
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