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Why oh why do they let paedophiles back on the street?

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inej | 23:44 Thu 20th Apr 2006 | News
42 Answers
This may cause controversy but how i feel , why do they let paedophiles back on the streets? Why don't they (government) buy land and fence them all in . These people will never change they just mix with others and get worse Why don't we test all the new drugs on them i personally don't care if anything did happen to someone who abuses kids . What are your views ?


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Here's The Sun Petition link loobie.

Hi BOO, if there's one thing that sickens me enough to use swear words, it's men (or women) who rape or torture babies & young children for their own pleasure!

Naughty me!

I don't know what the answer is either, but i think I am right in thinking that the six year old girl who was abducted from her home and sexually assaulted in a car, in Wales was attacked by a peadophile who had just been let out of jail from serving a peodophile sentence.

There must be something that can be done to protect children. it is simply not acceptable. If you get your TV nicked by a reoffending burglur, then in some respects, hey ho, that's what we pay our insurance for; we can replace that.

You just can't repair the innocence, and often the injuries that occur with this type of crime.

Like I said, something needs to be done and maybe one step forward is an attempt to rebuild the close knit communities that England used to know. We should all be responsible for each other, look out for each other, keep an eye on the undesirables, but sadly, apportioning blame seems to be now preferable.

Maybe a haunt back to Martial law: You comit those crimes in our village: then you pay the price, what ever that may be. A magistrate system, local sentencing for local people, town meetings, public trials etc etc....

These are dark times indeed.

He was in the army beryllium

P.S. Although I don't read the Sun newspaper.

Thanks natalie, ok, the army runs it's own.... i guess he should have asked for proof of his girlfriends age, since he was otherwise engaged to Queen and Country. i think thats a different argument to the sicko who has raped a 9 yr old continuously. By the way, her mother was outside the Old Bailey yesterday giving a statement. This is not just hype. This is the real thing. A paedophile out on probation, and yet not monitored. That is a fact and will have to be answered.

I do suggest you read the case, i'm sure the broad sheets covered it aswell as BBC news.

Thanks for posting that Smudge!! Although The Sun mainly contains gossip (which I love!!) they do have some very successful campaigns.
You're welcome loobie - even though I don't read it, I've put mine & my husband's name on that petition! ;o}
Britain is too damn goody goody to give out any just punishment,the dustbin of the world,we're called,hardly surprising we have anything walking our streets and we have to smile and say nowt,says it all!
I know these guys make our blood boil, but use a bit of sense. The more you demonise them, the less chance other paedophiles have of recognising they have a problem and trying to get help before they do anything to a human being. Bear in mind that paedophiles are generally the little kids that have been abused and that the media romanticise, only thirty or so years on. If we put more money into helping abused kids, it's possible they might not turn out to be stone paedophiles.
What about the case of the bloke who was abusing the 12-week-old baby?? THIS is the kind of thing that these perverts should be strung up for - never mind about bl**dy Spanish law. Its English law we're talking about.

Or the 11-year-old that was raped in a supermarket toilet.

I haven't seen the details concerning this particular story, but I am another one of the lock the b*st*rds up and throw away the key brigade.

I fully agree with what natalie has said on this subject also I would like to know just why some not all parents allow their 12/13/14 yearold daughters go to school and out after school wearing skirts so short they might as well not put them on at all . Next news of course is that if anything happens to their daughters they are asking "how could this have happened".

In my school days back in the fifties one was lucky if a lad saw three inches above a girls ankle:))and there certanly nowhere near the amount of sexual assults and rapes of children reported back then as there are these days . Mind you back then our parents used to look after us kids not go running off to the pub at every oppertunity .

i agree with all that has been said but this country needs to sort the worst sort of breed we have" the do gooders" always see the best in the offenders, sort them out and we might get somewhere.

should lock up the do gooders with paeddophiles and then throw away the key.

I agree that people who abuse kids should never be let out of jail as nine times out of ten they re-offend when let out but ido think that the police are to cautious and sometimes jump to the wrong conclusion when kids are involved,like the person who mentioned the case with the father and the kid with chicken pox. My boyfriend was getting out of bed naked, not realising the curtains were open, lo and behold a woman across the road sees him, calls the police and my boyf gets charged with indecent exposure. The reason it went to court is because there is a nursary across the street and they assume the worst. He could have got put on the Sex Register for something as stupid as that!!

.The Sun???.........Im off.

me thinks The Smoker is saying that these girls are asking to be raped.

You're not are you?

Just a reminder to you're, quite obviously ever fading memory....

The mini skirt was introduced in the 60's by designers Mary Quant and John Bates, so the poor lads of the 50's had to wait a decade.

of course, we all know that the reporting of such terrible attrocities against these kids is now at the fore....

it still went on in your day, it just wasn't reported, just kept in silence and suffering. Some of course from those times have come forward, and of course the 'care homes' and abuse suffered in some of those is reported too...

one wonders about the poor lost disillusioned soul you really are, with respect of course dearheart... :-)

These people will not change as they do not beleive they have done anything wrong, there minds don't think in the same way as the people that believe they have done wrong.

I was raped and sexually abused by 2 father figures up until i was 19, then my children were and my mum was by her family, all the men didn't feel they had done anything wrong.I have struggled with this for years and i have spent many years in pain and spent many thousands of pounds in therapists costs at my expense to try and recover from the harm they have done, it will never go away. IF MY CHILDREN OR MY GRANCHILDREN WERE EVER TO BE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED I KNOW I WOULD HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AS THE POLICE DON'T NOR DO THE SOCIAL SERVICES, THIS HAS BEEN PROVED TO ME AT LEAST 4 TIMES IN MY LIFE. EVEN WHEN MY FATHER ADMITTED IT TO THE POLICE, A COPY OF THE STATEMNET THAT I NOW HAVE MANY YEARS LATER, THEY STILL LET HIM GO WITHOUT CHARGE TO RE-OFFEND.

A few years ago a police officer sexually assaulted my son, then at a later date he arrested my son for no reason other than because i had rang and made a complaint about the officer, i was present during this arrest and held onto my son for dear life as i didn't want my son in the car with this police officer, but because i was holding onto my son he hurt my son and as a consequence i pushed the officer of my son with my foot and i was arrested and charged. i have never been in trouble with the police but now i have a record that will be there with me forever.


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Hi geraniums , i am so sorry for all you and your family have gone through, my heart goes out to you . A paedophile gets 2 years in prison a child suffers for life.

My nan is 74 years old when she was 5 the school let her out early because she had done good work.She was not too far from home when a man on a bike stopped her , told her he knew her mom and dad and asked her if she wanted lift home .He offered her chocolate and everything was ok, next minute he put his hand in her knickers. She realised it was wrong and jumped of bike and ran and ran. Told her mom but mom said it would bring shame on family if people knew, if my nan's father had known he would have killed him.

This as never gone away from her, she was shopping in her old hometown with my mother ,my nan was in her fifties then all of sudden she couldn't stopped shaking , my mom asked what was wrong she explained this was the man from her childhood.He was in his 70's , my mom wanted to hit him but my nan just walked away. Like i say my nan is 74 and she still remembers like it was yesterday.

Thanks inej. Your poor nan I feel for her, at least now in 2006 we can talk openly about this topic, well at least most of the time anyway, some poor children will still be hearing the words "don't tell anyone or else". But its getting easier to address even though there's still a lot of lesson's to be learn't and a lot of new ways to move forward to be found.

All the best.

natalie - I don't get what point you're trying to make. You say these cases are never cut and dried, then go on to ask whether someone who was abused or doesn't know it's wrong is the same as a 45 yr old who rapes a six year old.

The answer is yes.

Just because someone was abused, does not give them the right to abuse

Just because someone doesn't know it's wrong, does not give them the right to abuse

I agree that care needs to be taken, as there can't be much worse than being falsely accused of being a paedophile (other than suffering at the hands of one, obviously) but we can't make excuses for the guilty ones like this.

To the smoker. Do you not think then that anyone should be allowed to wear what they like without being touched inappropriately.

You should be allowed to wear want you want and not have to worry about it just because other people can't control themselves. Again an excuse made for the paedophile if you say the mini-skirt is to blame.

Oh and was abuse not at its worse it the 50's rather than 2006 I suspect it may have been because now something is done about it, even though still not enough to prevent it ever happening.However in the 50's it was hard to tell someone, shame was the concerns of the family. So you see it doesn't matter how covered up you are.

Read up on Freud and Anna O, I found this very interesting reading. Freud worked with Anna O a patient classed as suffering from hysteria, he recognised that she along with many other people were being abused, he told the world his findings, but this caused so much uproar so he recanted. I think it was the 1920,s. But this shows how the fear to face the truth of what was and is happening gets put away rather than faced, its getting better now though.

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