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I would advise anybody to read his Autobiography, extremely entertaining.
A true entrepeneur who made millions laugh and gave millions to charity. The world will be a sadder place.
I think some folk are really jealous because they are not as spontaneously witty
He got properly stiched up by Chris Morris though didn't he?

Funniest thing he ever did.

'Cake is a made-up drug.'

A small point , if Brit is short for British why can't Pak1 be short for Pakistani, I don't get it.
I have still got a tin olf boot polish, ni66er brown, daft innit?
I bet Bernard's up there laughing his socks off at the PC brigade - you miserable, staid, goody two shoes, perfect lot.....
hear hear
-- answer removed --
I think it has all gone too far and folk should chill.Wish now I had used white honky for username.
Doc Spock...there's no way he could've written an autobiography.

You've been conned. It was probably written for him by someone who finished school.

I'm sure he must've known someone who could write.

Incidentally, you know when someone gets to that size, the only way they can clean themselves after going for a poo is..

...actually, I can't write this...let's just say it involves using copious amounts of towels.

Robert Maxwell did the same.

Heh heh heh...
like i said ages ago this is all pathetic, some people like him for whatever reason and some people dont for whatever reason, he is dead now so what diference does it make

Bless've made me laugh and I've enjoyed your company.

However, we are the last people left now, and I want to get back to bashing someone on the paedophile thread.

SP - He earnt more money than you ever will and you claim to hate racists but joke about his size so are u a fattist?

Gina u never replied lol
As many of you already know I am of Asian origin (parents come from Sri Lanka)

Firstly, I did smile at a few of BM's jokes.

Secondly, I wouldn't pay to see him in a club - I personally think there are better comedians out there - though if someone gave me free tickets I certainly would have gone.

Thirdly, I have seen Jim Davidson live (as friends of ours wanted to go) and he was okay - I would have gone if it wasn't for the friends, but in the smae way as BM, i would go if it was free.

Fourthly, BM was racist. UK)/jibes.html
But so are a lot of people I meet in day to day life. So what? I just get on with it. I am sure that whatever colour you are, there are some people who take an instant dislike to you for a ridiculous reason. Some people can overcome that, some people can't.

If someone has to make racist comments about me to put me down, then very simply, I have won. It shows a certain lack of intellect if people have to resort to name calling, doesn't it.
Ooh, by the way, tour dates for the Grumbleweeds can be found here:
After reading some of these horrible posts celebrating Bernard Manning's death, (especially those from sp1814 who I have always thought was a well educated black person with a quirkiy sence of humour, until now). I now find it very easy to understand why there is an increasing dislike towards people of African descent., just as there is towards Muslims.

It only as to take a fellow human-being to dare to tell a joke, criticise, or say a word that somehow causes an offence to a person who happens to be of a different skin colour, and then we see all this vitriol savagery rise to the surface. Not very different to the present condemnation shown by Muslims, because we dare to make a renowed author a Knight of the Realm.

These two persons to my knowledge have never commited any acts of violence against their fellow man, so why wish them any harm? Criticise them, even show dislike for them, but to wish them dead, celerbrate their death, or to condem them to everlasting damnation, just goes to show that some have not progressed very far from savages.

Can't you see sp1814, that by being so violent with your postings as only gone to create even more violence towards you by Whickerman when he stated, if it is true that you did a cartwheel at the news of someones death just because you did'nt like them, its a pity you did'nt break your neck while doing it. I would not wish this even on you, Incidently I agree with everything else he posted.
revfunk northfield
Oh Lord.

If someone openly says horrible things about me as a black man without me ever having done anything to them, I will celebrate their passing.

Throughout his life, Bernard Manning said cruel things about blacks and Asians...but it was okay because they were 'just jokes'.

If you were at the receiving end of the abuse that my mother suffered in the 70s (bricks through her windows, being spat on etc) but thugs from council estates in South London, I guarantee you'd feel the same.

I absolutely cannot understand why people can't see the link between racist 'humour' and racism.

It beggers belief.

I celebrate his death, as I will celebrate the death of Jim Davidson.

You might think that's shocking, but that brick I referred to broke glass which could've injured any one of us (there were two small kids in the house at the time).

Now, if you think that I'm going to shed a tear at a man who celebrated racism, then you're mistaken.

I refer back to the 'joke' I heard him tell in a documentary about ten years back (see the first page of this thread).

He was odious filth. I feel nothing but joy in his passing.
Oh I get it now sp1814 - you're a fattist!

Which just goes to show what I said earlier - people only hear & see what they want to hear & see!

Double standards?!
Gina - You ever go in the Hibernian lol
smudge I have disagreed with SP on this issue a lot - however, in answer to your previous post - how many fat people have had their windows broken, denied jobs, been spat at etc in this country due to their size. Also (in my opinion), the majority (and I use the word majority meaning over 50%) can actually do something about it - not easy to change your colour (unless your name is Michael Jackson ;-)

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